So What Is Your Second Impression of C3 And Will You Buy?

From the Asset Store
This is a Dungeon Master tool & the 1st of 12 Combat Engines from the Building Combat Engines for Browser Games workshop

    Ashley Tom anyone

    How do I test R15? Every time I load C3, I get R12. I thought I read it was suppose to update automatically, but then again, I'm using Chrome on a Mac.

    Have you tried doing a hard refresh, clearing cache in That should do it... We're working on improving this as the caching/update is a little bit buggy.

    Alternatively, a direct link:

    Have you tried doing a hard refresh, clearing cache in That should do it... We're working on improving this as the caching/update is a little bit buggy.

    Alternatively, a direct link:

    Great, thanks!

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    The issue is feeling useless. Like you're starting over, and over.....

    Why is it you feel like you're starting over? Do you mean with C3 being a change, or the fact that you can't achieve what you want with it and feel like you have to find an alternative?

    I like the direction where C3 is going. While I think that a bit more technical blog posts were needed before, I feel confident in it after reading today's post.

    C2 made it possible for me to develop games and I've learned soo much from it. While I'm also trying out new engines it's not because I want to leave Construct, but rather to widen my perspective. I'm still in love with the event system and I'll never forget what world Scirra opened for me with their product. I'll definitely subscribe for Construct 3. I'm sure about that in 200%: 100% for it's a promising and great product and an other 100% for that I bought an early adopter license for C2 and I feel like it's time to support Scirra again.

    My biggest frustration is the "Free" user limitations right now. I KNOW I can make stuff with the limitations but not what I want to test. I would literally start paying right now just so I can do some of the basic functionalities I need in it.

    - i think your biggest frustration is your patience level right now hehe. just wait a few weeks for the full thing. Now's a great time to test your game development skills by restricting yourself to 40 events. Think of it like a game jam rule requirement. Stretch those thinking skills and let ashley and tom smooth out all of the bugs before the full release

    I like the direction where C3 is going. While I think that a bit more technical blog posts were needed before, I feel confident in it after reading today's post.

    C2 made it possible for me to develop games and I've learned soo much from it. While I'm also trying out new engines it's not because I want to leave Construct, but rather to widen my perspective. I'm still in love with the event system and I'll never forget what world Scirra opened for me with their product. I'll definitely subscribe for Construct 3. I'm sure about that in 200%: 100% for it's a promising and great product and an other 100% for that I bought an early adopter license for C2 and I feel like it's time to support Scirra again.


    I feel exactly the same way. I hope there is a way to opt out of the first year 50% discount for existing C2 customers, because I feel like I'm robbing them.

    Yea I'm pretty sure at this point I'm on board as well.

    With the history of c2s updates, I'm confident c3 will be completely different over time with all the updates.

    ONLY concern was really exporting to consoles but according to their blog posts, they're looking into options for that.

    subs aren't a concern for me especially if it ensures that the team is staying afloat to keep updating c3.

    They're reworking the runtime and all. So, yea. Pretty happy with the future plans of it so far.

    count me in

    I agree. I tested C3 today for the first time since the release and now the engine feels a lot smoother to work in. But it still crashes on me every now and then which must be sorted out. And I have no doubt that C3 will mature fast as hard as the scirra team is working on it atm. So as long as they'll make it stable and make it simple to port over C2 plugins and projects then it looks very promising.

    However, I do have big trust issues on letting a browser engine handle my long term projects so a desktop build would really erase my doubts. I'll be keeping an eye out on how it progresses while I keep working on my project in C2 and hopefully I'll be able to port it over to C3 in a near future

    My biggest frustration is the "Free" user limitations right now. I KNOW I can make stuff with the limitations but not what I want to test. I would literally start paying right now just so I can do some of the basic functionalities I need in it.

    Heh, I feel exactly the same. Will likely buy it as soon as I can, just to tinker.

    Hopefully no one starts a "third impression" thread, so just wanted to say that I just got a tablet, and it makes working with C3 on the go a lot better than my 5.5-inch phone. Phone editing is a bit impractical, but tablet editing is heck of a lot more manageable. Good job Construct/Scirra/Whatever you're calling yourself these days

    I have (probably always) been one of those nasty, strong advocats of native stuff, I was unhappy with NW.js, especially its mere zipping of assets (in particular since "the incident"), I have been very sceptical about the browser thing, even more about the cloud thing...

    .. that said, against all odds, find myself dabbling with the beta on my linux workstation* at the office quite often. There is some benefit to this concept, this "one account and one software for everywhere". Unlike at the very beginning of the beta or the blog posts that preceded it, I'm starting to "feel it" now. And contrary to my initial brush-off reaction I'm going to do at least the first year.

    * interestingly the website identifies this a "a mac" for whatever reason (it's chromium on Arch linux)

    I've been using Construct 2 for several years, I've done about 20 games, even I've made some money from licensing. I have also created more than 20 tutorials for beginners on youtube in Spanish.

    Construct 3 is the small brother of C2, we still have to see the potential, so for the moment I will pay the first year, in appreciation of his career and to support them.

    A year goes by fast, and Fusion 3 is falling, Ashley and Tom, I hope in a year you have convinced me not to change to Fusion

    I actually really like it and am excited to see the full capabilities and bugs fixed, and my only major complaint is the same as some others that it's a little hard to test with the current limitations.

    Assuming my impression doesn't change after trying the full version in the one week jam, I'll almost certainly subscribe for at least one year, although probably not for an extra few weeks to some large expenses due at that time of year.

    Not answering any of your other questions because I personally feel you should be discouraged from continuing to harp on and on about it. You've already said multiple times you don't want to subscribe and will probably move on. Maybe either move on or just wait quietly for whatever you're waiting for; you've made your views very clear, and surely I'm not the only one getting sick of how repetive you are.

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