PudgyPlatypus's Recent Forum Activity

  • Level Editor Template — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Fully commented, easy to read and easy to edit!</p>

    • Create levels with a tilemap in game
    • Save level into Local Storage
    • Load levels from Local Storage
    • Test levels with basic platformer sprite
    • List created levels from Local Storage to select created levels

    <p>Try out demo on the Scirra Arcade!</p><p>Feel free to ask questions, give suggestions for updates!</p><p>Please give rating if you enjoy the template!</p>

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  • blekdar Been following you on twitter/Tumblr and love the progress!

    snake302 Wow that looks great!

  • Ruskul Yea I'm with you on this one, I came across this the other week trying to make a clone of that One More Dash game, checking to see if one point in my circle is overlapping a point on the target.

    From what I can remember, there was a thread on here somewhere where Ashley answered saying it was more complicated than it sounds to add that functionality. I think some of the better than me developers had posted some other ways of accomplishing it. Sorry I don't have the link at the moment, but I know there is one.

  • Hey ,

    There seems to be a few good ways of doing it to be honest. It really depends on what type of game and if you are going with tilemaps for your levels. I actually just finished up a template I'm waiting for Scirra to approve that will be on the store that shows a simple implementation of doing a tilemap level editor. Here is the demo on the arcade: https://www.scirra.com/arcade/tutorial- ... -store-401

    It really comes down to having to save some JSON values of the tilemap, and referencing it again later either with Local Storage or an external source. I'm working on adding in to the Level Editor, which will use Firebase or Parse to save your levels into a cloud database so then other users can access your levels.

    Either way, good luck on your adventure into level editors!

  • Keep at it man, even if there isn't a lot of replies on your post, something like this could be very useful to A LOT of us. Lookin good!

  • This may sound completely ridiculous but I seriously cannot figure out how to add that nifty Go To Demo button on my Scirra store item description? It would be really nice and I feel like it's really simple and I'm just being silly. Anyone come across this?

  • Hey Rango,

    1) I'm guessing that's fine but don't quote me on it. I think they mean more of the game itself needs to be just created for it, reusing art and such is a normal thing to do.

    2) Yea I can see that not being an easy word to get. Some other words would be lies, misinforming, betrayal, trickery. So in the simplest sense, something that is misleading or just a lie. A game example would be like Portal, how Glados is a character who lies and tries to trick you as the player. It is an interesting topic for a game that isn't used a lot. So try and think of a way that you can be "tricky" to the player or make the gameplay where you have to "trick" something else or something looks a certain way but then isn't really that.

    Hopefully that helps!

  • So I'm late to the party and don't have hours to search through these 30 + pages, how does this work on Mobile devices if anyone has tried? I have my Pixel Golf game running through with Cordova export and it runs quite well on my iOS devices but the physics options are so limited that this would be great if it works well.

    I might just have to try later today for myself, but are there any active examples around of this being implemented for me to see how it runs?

  • It's actually not too bad to do in C2. I made a nice template with the functionality you need for a time based tapping game and it's on the store here: https://www.scirra.com/store/games-with ... e-game-666

    I know it's a couple bucks but I think it definitely can save ya some time. If not interested in that, I used the plugin from Rexrainbow on the forums for getting time and doing the math needed. I think the link to the plugin is on the store page I linked.

    Good luck and have fun!

  • You are a legend! Works great! You definitely earned a Donation from me. I will post a nice little Gif from my game to show off your plugin when I get home from work. Thanks again!

  • Ok here is a quick example of blank layouts I made with new event sheets for both using the exact way in the event sheets you mentioned. Works perfectly fine on the desktop but once I compile for Cordova and build for iOS, I get this random flicker of either the layout I'm leaving or the one I'm entering (seems perfectly fine the first time it leaves the first sheet..). Any kind of ideas or thoughts would be great because this would be incredibly nice for a couple games I got going. Thanks!

  • I apologize, I'm at work so I haven't been able to get a screenshot but I know I just copied the Transition steps you had in your example file. From what I can guess is that, the plugin is working just fine but when switching layouts theres a bit of a laggy reaction between them since the layouts have a decent amount of stuff on them. I had put in a wait for 2 seconds after the transition ended and before it said to go to the next layout and it looks like it goes back to showing the layout you are currently on before going to the one you specify if the device has a bit of delay.

    When I get home I will try and maybe do a black layer that I set to 100 opacity when it finished the transition so maybe when it slows down for a second it could cover up the lag time between.

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