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    - you deserve a free license for all of the amazing work you have done to extend C2 and to help so many other developers


  • Do you mean index.html?

    you can export as a html 5 export still. it lets you download it as a zip. where you can find your files just like a c2 exported project.

  • fisholith - can you please post your editor and themes again ? thanks

  • Gigatron - any chance you could add the ability to toggle its visibility via actions? or even just to position it in a different location?


  • I've put together a google form where people can submit links to their Construct 3 compatible plugins, effects and behaviors.

    It would be handy to have them all in one place to quickly find compatible plugins. If this gets popular I will add the ability to upload files directly in case we run into another dropbox link situation in the future.

    Submit your construct 3 compatible addon information here :

    https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIp ... g/viewform

    The form will ask for the following information:

    Add-on Name:

    Add-on type:

    Download Link:

    Version Number:

    Forum Link:

    Then all responses can be viewed here:

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing

    If you wish to get email updates as this list gets updated you can request it through a PM to me on the scirra forums.

    Please let me know if you have any other suggestions or ideas to improve the form.

  • I'm attempting to make a test scene similar to a pinball plunger, where you can drag a box downwards, and when you let go it springs up. I've got that working with a spring joint. And i've made a box that has a groove joint to hopefully keep the plunger stuck within the area of the box height, but i'm still able to pull the plunger out of the track its supposed to sit in.

    Is there any way i can limit the plunger to stay inside its track while pulling it and letting to?

    see attached capx

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/wjwfj8vwbwi4f ... .capx?dl=1

  • Animmaniac - can you pose the demo file again please?



  • I get what you are trying to do, but there's an easier way.

    Try this. Assign each answer slot a variable eg AnswerNumber: 1, 2, 3, 4 etc

    Then make a global variable called "PlayerPicked"

    On "AnswerSprite" touched - > set variable "PlayerPicked" to AnswerSprite.AnswerNumber

    So if they click the first one. then PlayerPicked becomes 1

    then at the end of your round. you know which one they picked when they hit submit.

    "You picked : " & PlayerPicked

    As for the arrow position, simply set its Y to the same Y value as the answer slot that they are clicking on.

    On "AnswerSprite" touched -> set position arrow.y to AnswerSprite.Y

    If its on a different layer then the answer slots, make sure both layers have the same parallax value or else you need to get into using the more complicated expression to convert layer values.

  • perhaps your webgl is off?

  • you set its position to x = random (0,100)

    and its y position to =random(0,100)

  • Gigatron - that's a pretty neat example, but i was thinking more along the lines of can you inverse the vingnette effect on the edges, so that the middle area is darker and the edges are more lit. So that it would feel like the back wall behind the player is further away from you instead of popping out at you.

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  • Would it be possible to have a checkbox or option to flip the effect so that it looks like you are looking into a concave tower? Like if the player was inside the tube instead of outside?


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