justifun's Recent Forum Activity

  • 99Instances2Go - seems to only happen on device though.

  • 99Instances2Go - In you example, if I change the mouse events and expression to touch expressions, I get this strange thing happening, when you start the touch, so simply tap, the BG jumps towards the right for some reason. Any ideas how to make touch work the same way as mouse input?


  • redrocket - sent you a PM

  • redrocket - he likes money, i'm sure if you through some at him he might be interested.

  • vzad - here's a capx example: https://u403350.dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/403350/Nima-Plugin-example.capx

    while making this example i just noticed a little bug where the legs stay in the previous pose of the walk cycle when you switch to the idle. we'll get that fixed and a updated plugin put up right away.

  • gumshoe2029 - Thanks for the file!

    The mousewheel zoom seems to work, but panning doesnt seem to function. Is there anything in need to tweak?


  • alexis06 - if you can host the C2 version somewhere i can convert it to a C3 version for you.

  • rexrainbow - Here's a sample file for you : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/403 ... forRex.zip

    This map is made up of objects instead of regular tiles, and the objects in the tileset have custom properties on them.

    the goals is to be able to read those custom property names and values (and ideally the layer name that the objects are on too.

    Thanks rex, and let me know if there's anything else you need from me to help.

  • I've managed to make a smooth scrolling prototype for a game i'm testing, but i need to convert it to make it behave a similar way, but making the camera move instead of the background.

    I've tried many attempts to get the scroll X working, but i can't quite replicated what i have here. Please see the capx link for an example. (Click and drag to scroll the view, then let go for it to slow to a stop.

    example: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/403 ... gTest.capx

    The goal: to drag the virtual camera (ScrollX) left and right matching the mouse 1:1. Then when you let go, it continues to scroll slowing to a stop.

  • rexrainbow - it seems like this is part of this issue (as is "as intended" by the map editor developer)


    It doesnt save that information if the object properties havent changed (on the main map).

    So is there a way with your importer to grab the information from the first portion of the TMX file for each tile ID / property instead of looking for it down in the <objectgroup> section at the bottom?


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  • Update: ok after more testing this issue is still present. If you are using objects with custom properties as opposed to tiles, the imported wont pick them up.

    rexrainbow - Hello again!

    I still have to verify the new object offset feature you added, but in the mean time i came across another issue with the TMX importer.

    When using the Tiled map editor object layer, and you add objects via the "Insert Tile" button (the one that has a little image icon). Any custom properties on these objects will show up in the property window, however they wont be read by the importer

    Here's an example.

    If I save the file after adding a few tiles, None of the custom properties show up in the tmx data in the <objectgroup> <properties> section where i believe your plugin is looking for them.

    However! If you add another random custom property to the object in the map then save it again there is now a new entry in the <objectgroup> at the bottom (its no longer blank), AND the TMX importer now actually reads all the previous custom properties that it was skipping over before.

    It appears that If your importer doesn't find a <properties> section within <objectgroup> they it wont load any of the custom properties that are being added to the file via embedding a external tileset even though the data for that is just in a different location in the .tmx file.

    Example: File saved with only custom object properties being defined in the tileset

     <objectgroup name="Object Layer 1">
      <object id="1" gid="1" x="0" y="1400" width="2064" height="401">

    Example: File saved with an extra custom property added before saving

     <objectgroup name="Object Layer 1">
      <object id="1" gid="1" x="0" y="1400" width="2064" height="401">
        <property name="TestProperty" value="TestData"/>
    in both examples, up higher in the TMX file the object custom properties are defined but the importer is skipping this data if the <objectgroup> is missing the <properties> section
    [code:3f1gcdbw]  <tile id="0">
        <property name="Damage" type="int" value="1"/>
        <property name="Name" value="LavaPool"/>
        <property name="Solid" type="int" value="1"/>
        <property name="Value" type="int" value="0"/>
       <image width="2064" height="401" source="../Art/Lava_ground.png"/>[/code:3f1gcdbw]
    it appears as if its a case of how the map editor is saving the file, but perhaps there's a way to make it work with your importer?
    I can be found on discord in your channel if you have further questions: @justifun
  • rexrainbow - Thanks! I'll check it out and report back any bugs!

    For those of you who might have been trying to figure out multiple maps vs one tileset the workflow i found that works ok is.

    Make a tileset and leave it open in tiled. Then create a new Map for each level you want to design. Drag your pieces from the one tile set into your map and design it.

    Save a copy of your map seperately then you main one as a backup.

    Click the button in the tileset window that says "Embed Tileset into map"

    Save your map file into your C2 Project folder

    By embedding your tileset into the map file the data will be accessible from the TMX importer. However you need to make sure you make a backup of the TMX map because you want to keep your master map files NOT have the tileset embedded into it, so that you can use the same tileset for all maps.

    Not sure how to un-embed a tileset from a map

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