I get what you are trying to do, but there's an easier way.
Try this. Assign each answer slot a variable eg AnswerNumber: 1, 2, 3, 4 etc
Then make a global variable called "PlayerPicked"
On "AnswerSprite" touched - > set variable "PlayerPicked" to AnswerSprite.AnswerNumber
So if they click the first one. then PlayerPicked becomes 1
then at the end of your round. you know which one they picked when they hit submit.
"You picked : " & PlayerPicked
As for the arrow position, simply set its Y to the same Y value as the answer slot that they are clicking on.
On "AnswerSprite" touched -> set position arrow.y to AnswerSprite.Y
If its on a different layer then the answer slots, make sure both layers have the same parallax value or else you need to get into using the more complicated expression to convert layer values.