Lootzifr's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey,

    I didn't know that this causes just involved instances. I though it involves all instances ordered by time of creation.

    I will give it a try

  • Hey,

    I got a problem I can't fix and maybe someone got a solution for that.

    I have a player that can walk around (orthographic = zelda like, view from top) and enemies that follow him with pathfinding. My problem is now that if you run in circles the enemies start to overlap and "merge". I want to solve it like this:

    >> If enemy is overlapping enemy stop one of them for one second. <<

    I don't know how to pick the two overlapping enemies out of maybe twenty others on the layout and how to then pick just one of those two so they are not being stopped forever both cause overlapping is still triggering.

    Here is an capx file showing the problem: https://burpsgames.com/shared_capx/foll ... erlap.capx

    Thanks for any help


  • Maybe you could merge the objects to just one object and work with diffrent frames so they look diffrent. "pick top" would work in that case but I don't know if you can do that. Depends on your project structure.

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  • Hey,

    If I got it right you could try to add to disable the platform behavior if the player is not moving.

    E.g. :

    no key pressed = platform disabled and pin enabled

    any (move input) key pressed = platform enabled and pin disabled

    Cool idea btw. Let me now if that works.



  • that is easy with behaviors. This should help you:




  • I have good experiences with instances + diffrent frames set instead of having multiple objects. There are some good articles from ashley about how the engine works and drawing is made.

    You should optimize it only if it is needed. I focus on mobile game apps so I do a lot in that case. If you just want to make browser games I would say you are good for a long time with many objects.

  • Hi roracle,

    I got this effect in one of my games. Look here: https://burpsgames.com/html5-games/how-much-i-love. If you touch the heart a white number appears and fades/flys off.

    I do this with a sprite font with two behaviors (sine and fade). I spawn the font and activate that it is flying up with vertical sine behavior and at the same time I start the fading. The fading also destroys the object when finished. You just need to adjust the times so the fade finishes before the sine behavior woud let move it down again.



  • Hi Dennis,

    Hi Patrick,

    Are you guys from Hamburg? I am from Berlin and I am looking for german composers to work with. Are you interested in 8bit sounds as well?

    Most of your songs are to slow/classic for my games, but I really like your "Side Scroller" and "Boltanski" songs.

    If you are open to new styles this would be great <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";-)" title="Wink">.

    Three of my currently four games/apps have music. Two of them got simple 8 bit music I made by myself (so super simple^^) and the other one has a really nice song licenced by a friend of mine.

    Check it out here: https://burpsgames.com/html5-games/how-much-i-love

    I am currently working on a Diablo-like game. I would love to have a song like this "game of thrones"cover:

    If you think you could write/compose something like that then we should talk <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">



  • It's just my opinion. No need to put it on the list

    I know animations are pain in the "albatross"! I am working on an game where I need the player and enemies from 8 directions. Combined with run, jump, hit, attack and die the work can multiply easily, but I guess it's worth it.

    It is good practise to finish a basic game first and then dress it up I think you are on a good way.

    I archive every version so it's funny to see progress later.

    Cheers, Marco

  • Hi Kraudi,

    nice grafics and nice music. Simple concept. Looks fun.

    I would change the angle of the arm so he is not looking like ready to punch the whole time. Then when you punch you build an animation showing the axe up and then down in the front (maybe with dust). Then it goes back to axe to bottom left. Do you understand what I mean???



  • Hi argail,

    that is really good pixel art u got there. I especially like it with the parallax effect. To be able to walk around the moon is an cool idea.

    Here a few things I would change:

    • Change volume of music/sounds. the music is a bit to loud for my taste.
    • The moon, the font, the jewels and the coins doesn't fit to the pixel art. They have to many details. Especially the jewel is to 3d-ish.
    • Collected jewels/coins fall somewhere down. That was a bit confusing like what is it going to do down there. I would just let it pop up a bit and dissapear or if you like it flying I would recommend to let it fly to the counter in the top left (like donkey kong country does it with bananas ^^)
    • Lifebar could be bigger
    • You should make it more clear when the player got hit. Maybe the sound could fix it or you let him bleed or flash or something.
    • Moving objects should look diffrent to solid rocks.

    Hope this feedback helps you. I am curious about your boss.



  • Looks nice so far. I am currently working on an diablo-like game and have to deal with isometric/dimetric views too.

    Couldn't figure out how to build a building. If it is already integrated how did you solve that soldiers can run around buildings? I am going to try it with an array and to put all relevant objects (with ID/UID) and their Y into an array and sort them. Hope this is not going to cost much performance.

    Cool Idea so far. Keep going. First time I see something like this made with construct2.



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