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  • Well done! Really nice little podcast. It is always nice to hear some background info about the developers behind the games. I have been developing with c2 for two years now and I had all the pains you talked about as well (trigger, bullets, ios, ...).

    I want to underline that people should start making games for fun. It is a lot of work to get everything done even with a small game (code, grafics, ux, signing, app store details, translations,...) and even if you get a quite nice game done the app store competition is really hard. I mean it is nice to dream about creating the next flappy bird but people shouldn't start with the monetization strategy without having anything playable.

    Starting with the tutorials and to ask the forum if you get suck is good advice. When I started using c2 I got very frustated first but then very addicted to it because it is not hard to solve the basic problems and to learn fast (I had a lot of little success moments with it). I also think c2 itself is acually a nice game in that case. Even if you don't want to create a game it is amazing to figure out new plugins, behaviours and methods. And scirra is releasing like every 1-3 weeks a new version. In times of spam I love to recieve a release note via email about a new version ^^.

  • Ashley - thanks for the info. It might be helpful to put this to the plugin description, so weather a plugin is supported by Crosswalk, Phonegap CLI or Phonegap Build Service.

    Am I right that there is currently no option to monetize Phonegap Build Service apps on Android? So we still need Crosswalk for that?

  • Is the new Admob plugin working with Phonegap Build Service? I tested it on iOS and Android and there is nothing showing up. Also shouldn't there be a somehow called "cranberry admob" plugin reference in the exported config file?

  • That shouldn't be a problem. I got games with even more working fine.

    Read this release note to understand how it works:

    https://www.scirra.com/blog/ashley/6/co ... on-in-r155

    Else you should describe why you need these collisions? Show screenshots of your code or share capx files.

    Always good is to give collision checks an "every 0.5 seconds" instead of "every tick" but that depends on the game if possible. Sometimes you really need per tick. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile">

  • oh yes, you are right. Thank you. Layer scale should work for me.

  • Ashley

    Is it possible to integrate the option to scale a tiled background. I mean to scale it before it is going to be repeated. E.g. my project is 1280x700 and I have a background image with some clouds. I want to save performance through not having a huge tiled background. Because this is the background it would be totally fine if the image is a bit blurry.

    Does this make sence? Anybody else who might use that?

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  • Phonegap works fine. I had an audio bug the other day. Somehow one of my audio files was corrupted. Preloading or playing that sound let the app crash. Due to I was preloading all sounds on start it always crashed right away. I was not able to use the debugger but I figured it out by taking out plugin by plugin and then audio file by audio file.

    Maybe you have the same problem. To not loose all your settings you could set "preload all sounds on start" to off and load a a layout that doesn't interact with music on start.

    In general, you should describe the crash better and even if you don't want to share capx you could tell us your plugins, settings and sizes.

    Regarding CCJS exporter: You should drop that. It has been deprecated for a reason. Try PhoneGap (or Ejacta).

  • Perfect. Awesome! Thanks a lot

  • Ok I tested it with my game.

    I exported it with C2 182 to PhoneGap and wrapped it with PhoneGap Build to iOS. I signed it witch distribution/local certificates/provisioning.

    iAd seems to work. The triggers/commands work and I am able to get test banner from the iAd network. Show top/bottom, overlap and so on all works fine, but I only see test ads. I can't see if there is something to truly activate it. I read online that it takes 1-4 days to show real ads. I also thought maybe this is bounded to the distribution certificate but I tried that as well. I haven't used iAd before so maybe someone can confirm that (I will keep checking it).

    GameCenter: doesn't show any interaction. I tested authenticate user and show leaderboard. Everything is set um correctly in GameCenter (works fine with CCJS), but not with this plugin.


    My PhoneGap export works well enough to replace it on the real app store (production), but I would need those things working to do it:

    Must have:

    • iAd Plugin: show fullscreen ad
    • GameCenter: needs to work in general
    • GameCenter: show achievements (given layout)

    Nice to Have:

    • Fixed "Hide Status Bar" Bug
    • Browser plugin - open URL should open outside of phonegap if possible
    • Options to configure the splash screen for the phonegap export in c2

    Let me know if you need any more information about the plugins. I don't know how the debugger works so I can't tell what the GameCenter Plugin is doing in background.

  • Problem Description

    When exporting to PhoneGap there is an option "hide status bar". If you compile this for iOS on Adobe Cloud Compiler the status bar is still shown.

    Tested on iOS8, OS version 8.0.2

    Attach a Capx

    not required

    Description of Capx

    not required

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Export any project (could even be an empty one) to PhoneGap
    • Select "Hide Status Bar"
    • Compile and run on iOS

    Observed Result

    Status bar still shown

    Expected Result

    Status bar should be hidden

    Affected Browsers

    • iOS (PhoneGap)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    C2 on Windows8 64bit

    Construct 2 Version ID



    Just add these lines to your config.xml to hide it:

    <gap:config-file platform="ios" parent="UIStatusBarHidden">
    <gap:config-file platform="ios" parent="UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance">
  • Hey everyone,

    I am experimenting with the PhoneGap exporter and the Adobe Cloud Builder. I don't have any issues with new and small projects but I want to try to port a bigger HD app to with that method to iOS.

    Problem: When I get the .ipa back from the Cloud Builder and I put it on my iphone the app always crashes on loading. I tried to take out differend plugins, to load other layouts on start and to remove music. None of it helped.

    The game runs very well on web and on CCJS (android and ios) though.

    My project size:

    Approx. download: 2.9mb

    memory use 22.6mb

    Events: 1036

    Initial Layout size: 1920x1000

    Fullscreen: Scale outer

    Scaling: High quality

    HDPI: No

    Orientation: Landscape

    Sampling: Linear

    Downscaling: Low quality

    Pixel rounding: on

    Preload sounds: yes

    Used Plugins:








    I also copied the project and reduced it to one layout and it worked.

    I tried to use the debug function that comes with the PhoneGap builder but it doesn't work or I am not able to figure it out.

    Does anybody know how to use that debugger so I can figure out what is causing the crash?

    My Device: iPhone 5, iOS 8.0.2

  • Ashley Oh nice, I missed that article. Really great. Thanks for writing it down. Pritty clear

    Ok, I integrated both now(iAds and Game Center), but can't test it. I left my mac at work Maybe I will go and get it later.

    Another missing thing: "Show/open achievements", I don't want to build a view myselft from recieved data. Would be nice to just open the iOS achievements to show it.

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