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  • Hi dudelino,

    1. You can find a lot of basic information like this in the manual. Pls check it first next time.

    2. If you have a problem you should be more precise and add a capx file showing the problem.

    3. To the problem:

    a. If you wanna kill an enemy that is outside the layout: there is a behavior for that (easiest way)

    b. If you wanna kill an enemie by player you should do this via collision detection.

    • Player spawns bullet => bullet on collision with enemie => destroy enemie and bullet

    Other bullets or enemies will not be affected.



  • Hi, there are many ways of doing this. You could pick the nth instance. If you have many objects in an layout I would suggest instance variables for that. I do it like that all the time. e.g.:

    1. Select your Textbox Object -> Create instance variable (value number). I always call my instance variable for that "Call_ID".

    2. Go to your Layout and select each instance of the object type and give it a diffrent "Call_ID" => e.g. for the first row highcore text object "1".

    3. If you now just wanna highlight that box you could use the following event: pick by comparison, then enter the two values ( the value "1" and the instances "Call_ID"). All following actions on this object type will just cause effect on this instance.

    Remember you don't have to do it with instance variable. Every object has allready an UID or ID. I prefere doing this with instance variables because you can (if needed) give two object elements the same "Call_ID".

    Hope this helps you. You can find a lot about this in the manual as well.

    Cheers Marco.

  • Hey guys,

    Valentine's Day is soon and I want to ask you all to help me push my app. It has been completely made with construct2 and it is available on my own new site, on facebook, on android and finally on ios;-).

    My game is a little clicker game and It is based on love. You need to type in something you love. You just got one hour to reach the highest score. You can gain lovepoints by touching the heart in the middle and you can invest your lovepoints in gifts. Gifts are producing lovepoints over time by themselves. When you level up you can spend skill points on special abilities that improve your productivity.

    Would be amazing if you can share your highscore on facebook. Feedback is always appreciated too. Let me know what you think <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle">.

    <img src="https://burpsgames.com/web_promo_images/burpsgames_new2014_promo.png" border="0">

    "How Much I Love" on Facebook

    "How Much I Love" on my own site

    "How Much I Love" on Android

    "How uch I Love" on iOS

    Cheers, Marco <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Hey everyone,

    I almost finished a new app and today I was testing it on diffrent devices.

    I got really frustrated when I saw that the app was working fine in browsers and on android, but some how not on the iphone. The highscore did not get saved.

    That was really strange because it was the same code and it wasn't a problem with the local storage at all. I got another local key for game settings and that was working fine on iphone.

    Then I figured out that my highscore local key was named "Highscore_Speicher" (Speicher = Storage in german^^).

    I removed the "_" and it worked.

    So I just want to share the info if you are developing for cocoonjs/iphone that you shouldn't use "_" in your storage keys (On cocoonjs/android a "_" is not a problem).

    Cheers <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


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  • Hey,

    that depends on your style and your game. I prefer to use layers instead of layouts. E.g. I have one layout for the menu (starscreen, highscores, options, ....), one for the game structure, and one unuse layout to place a copy of any sprites a might "create" later in the game(I call it parking space).

    I work a lot with anchors and if you load a new layout it needs to adjust everything sometimes. I use a black-screen-fading between layout changes to avoid uglyness.

    You just have to be carefull if you have many sprites. I guess each layout loads the sprites needed so your total memory usage increases if you put everything in one layout. It really depends on your games and the platform you are targeting.

    In general, if you want fast results, I guess putting everything in an extra layout is easier. If you work with layers you need to disable visibility and maybe a groub to deactivate touch/click inputs.

    I prefer layers. It makes it more fluid on mobiles, but would be nice to here other opinions on that too.

  • Hey LittleStain,

    yes, I checked it in the debugger but everything looks fine there. A total cpu usage of just 7%.

    All my images are optimised. I only have those pictures big that are neeeded to look good on tablets.

    My total downlaod size is around 2MB and memory usage is around 45MB.

    I would reduce the size of the layout and the images to like 600x960 but I don't get why this app is running so well on my old galaxy s2.

    It's the same app but the resolution is lower (1200x1920 layout on a 480x800 screen). So that's why I guess that the canvas size counts over layout/image size.

    Do you have any explaination for that? I want to be sure about that before I start reducing everything.

  • Hi everyone,

    I made an HD app with the resolution of 1200x1920.

    I have three test devices:

    Samsung Galaxy S2 (480x800)

    Galaxy Nexus (1280x720)

    Nexus 10 (2560x1600)

    So my problem is that I get horrible FPS in cocoonjs on the Galaxy Nexus (~15). It's doing best on the S2 with almost 60FPS all the time. The Nexus 10 has around 35-55 FPS.

    So I guess the S2 has less to do because it down-scales what needs to be drawn. I dont wanna reduce my resolution because it looks really good on the nexus 10 and 35-55 FPS are ok.

    I was woundering if there is a way to reduce (within the running app) the resolution and upscale it up again so it fits the whole screen.

    Something like this:

    If FPS <= 35 set layout-size from 1200x1920 to 600x960 and set scale rate to 2.0

    So at the end the whole task will just reduce the sharpness if there is not enough cpu-power.

    Does anyone have an idea if or how this could work?

  • Omg, I really wanted to have that feature but I coundn't imagine an easy way of doing this. This wasn't important enough to me to invest a lot of time.

    Always good to look up a problem at the forum first. It was very easy to implement.

    Thanks a lot for sharing the .capx file and especially for keeping the dropbox-link alive.

    <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Would be nice to see that feature in the next build <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Did you try to use the physics behavior on top of the bullet behavior?

    There is an option called "Enable enhanced collision detection for fast moving objects" in the physics behavior of an object.

    I was able to fix a missing collision issue with that too, but I don't know if your bullets might be still to fast or if your project allows you to use physic behavior.

  • You can compile your own launcher with that. It is like the official cocoonjs launcher but with your specific project configuration (scale mode, ads, analytics, box2d,...).

  • Hey, I am having that problem too.

    I am not able to run old and new project in the cocoonjs launcher on android anymore. The screen stays black.

    Error-message: Same as hellwalker

    OS: Win8 x64, CS2 v1.44

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