Ok I tested it with my game.
I exported it with C2 182 to PhoneGap and wrapped it with PhoneGap Build to iOS. I signed it witch distribution/local certificates/provisioning.
iAd seems to work. The triggers/commands work and I am able to get test banner from the iAd network. Show top/bottom, overlap and so on all works fine, but I only see test ads. I can't see if there is something to truly activate it. I read online that it takes 1-4 days to show real ads. I also thought maybe this is bounded to the distribution certificate but I tried that as well. I haven't used iAd before so maybe someone can confirm that (I will keep checking it).
GameCenter: doesn't show any interaction. I tested authenticate user and show leaderboard. Everything is set um correctly in GameCenter (works fine with CCJS), but not with this plugin.
My PhoneGap export works well enough to replace it on the real app store (production), but I would need those things working to do it:
Must have:
- iAd Plugin: show fullscreen ad
- GameCenter: needs to work in general
- GameCenter: show achievements (given layout)
Nice to Have:
- Fixed "Hide Status Bar" Bug
- Browser plugin - open URL should open outside of phonegap if possible
- Options to configure the splash screen for the phonegap export in c2
Let me know if you need any more information about the plugins. I don't know how the debugger works so I can't tell what the GameCenter Plugin is doing in background.