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  • like, specifically grouping and scaling in the project, not during gameplay. I want to take one existing level and scale it down to create the illusion of zooming out the camera for that level without affecting the window size of the overall project, but currently everything scales from its own origin and I can't find a way to group and scale them with respect to eachother.

  • basically, working on a platformer (so the player has the platform behavior, ofc), and i wanna make a pillar hazard that the player can stand on, but will topple over (with a rotate behavior) after the player lands on it. got that working just fine, but i also want the player to move with the top of the pillar realistically as it turns/"falls" instead of what they currently do, which is just stay at the same x-position and get pushed up/fall down with the pillar moving underneath them.

  • so, i'm working on a pinball game and ATM i have the super bare-bones layout of just working flippers and a ball - ball and flippers have physics, flippers are just rectangles, and there's walls around the layout which also have physics so stuff'll bounce, super simple. problem is, flippers seem to move too fast for the ball to keep up with - so it just clips right through a lot of the time, esp. when near the tips of the flippers where it's going fastest. i've tried slowing em down and i can't get much slower without them being so slow it's hard to time properly for the player. any other idea for getting the physics to work for me?

    capx here if you want a better look - dont mind the sprites for the flippers, they're placeholders from an older project

  • EDIT: never mind, problem solved!

  • I would recommend learning how to create a "state-machine" (I believe that is what they are called).

    So you would have an instance variable called "state" and depending on what that is corresponds with what he does. Timer behavior would be needed to go along with this.


    If state = "right" then simulate right

    If state = "left" then simulate left

    If state = "idle" then idle animation

    On Timer

    -state = "left" or "right" then state = "idle"

    -state = "idle"

    --Choose(0, 1) > 0 then state = "left"

    --Else state = "right"

    Restart Timer

    This is the basics, if you want more states then just map out the order that they should move through states. For example one I've done for shooting zombies is idle -> aim -> fire -> recoil -> recover(just a pause) -> idle ... but from idle a different chain can occur such as move, reload, etc.

    Jumping at random intervals can be done as a state or separately with a timer. When setting state to left or right start the state timer and also a jump timer (can set to random time). On timer simulate jump.

    Edit: definitely add the "Else" where applicable in above commands

    that sounds like the best way to do it, thanks man! pretty much everything i was coming up with last night would've had more regulated movement that i'd like

  • that seems like it should work. what is it that sets the value of 5?

  • hmm... the only thing i could think is that value 5 is somehow always set to 5? try checking to make 100% sure you're got it set to randomly choose 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. otherwise, i dunno what the issue could be

  • got an enemy with a platform behavior and i want him to jump at random intervals (which works fine and was easy to get right) and also to walk forward or backwards for about half a second at different, also random intervals. thing is, setting him to move "every x seconds" will only input that control for one frame. any thoughts on how i can sustain that movement long enough to matter, but also have him stop in between and not just go from left to right?

  • honestly, MS paint works pretty well for small pixel art. if not that, try photoshop, or GIMP, the free alternative to it.

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  • still has collision? I'm trying to make a platformer boss who flies through walls to attack the player at all angles, but can also collide with said player to damage them/take damage himself

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