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  • Hello,

    it would be nice to have tiling as an option for sprite, because Tiled Background is very limited regarding origin point positioning. Another way around - more origin point positioning options for Tiled Background object (like BottomLeft, BottomCenter, BottomRight, MiddleLeft etc)

  • Here's an interesting presentation to add to the topic:

    Trends in interactive design 2013

  • HTML 5 (and web technologies in general) is definitely the right strategy. May be we have to wait a couple of years until it reaches its full potential on mobile devices, but for desktop browsers it just works very well, even more powerful than flash.

  • The problem is, that by using "on create" condition, you automatically lose previous conditions, after which the object was created. Yes it helps, but it is limited to actions, which are valid for all objects, unless you create another conditions for "on create".

    I think for games with complex multiple object logic (e.g. like board games) this limitation is a nightmare. It's like it diminishes 50% of the family object power.

  • Hello fellas,

    just wanted to express my frustration about this old subject again.

    Imagine, I have a family with 50 different objects. I want to create a particular member of the family under particular condiditons in the game and adjust it properties according to another condition right after it's creation.

    In order to be able to do it, I have to write all possible conditions for each 50 members of the family. I can't even "generalize" some actions by assigning them to the whole family (e.g. it's not even possible to do something like this - create: GreenAlien > Aliens: setAnimationFrame to 5). It's just total masochism.

    Thanks to rexrainbow, there's a nickname plugin, which really helps. But there should be an official support (at least as an option) for creation by a local variable for people who don't care about obfuscation.

    But despite of this fact Construct2 is still the best software in the world :)

  • Yep, I have the same problem. If you left the browser window and than returned the focus is lost until anything is clicked, and this leads to some glitches in the project.

    There are two browser events: onResumed and onSuspenden, but they don't react when you switched to another application like e.g. skype or another browser and returned.

    Anyone knows how to deal with that?

  • Cool, that will be definitively useful.

    Here's just a feature suggestion: draw curved surfaces by interpolating between polygon vertices, e.g. cubic curves. I think technically it should be something like subdividing a polygon into curved surface.

  • Wow, that's clever - thank you.

    So you basically use while loops for moving them -1px back to the right position at an angle until it doesn't overlap anymore and than snap it. Interesting technique.

    Man, your logic for locating unconnected bubbles just made me speechless - I would never think this way.

  • Hello there,

    does anybody have experience with that?

    The problem: how to calculate precise bubble position on the hex-grid?

    What I already tired:

    1) Bullet behavior: on collision with bubble, position at y-1 of the collided bubble. This works but not always and not precise.

    2) Trying to calculate the position of the ball before shooting, by drawing a ray, which reflects from vertical walls and than collides with bubbles on the grid. Basically the same problem here, because it is collision dependent.

    Any ideas how to solve it without using collision detection?

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  • Hello fellas,

    May be there are some effective algorithms how to achieve this mechanics in bubble shooter:

    • bubbles or bubble groups, which don't connect to neighbors fall down

    Right now I'm using a recursive function which goes through all the bubbles in the hex-grid and checks with a flood-fill if bubbles connect to the upper border. It works, but the problem is, that this calculation is very resource intensive and there is a lag each time this calculation takes place. So it is called for each bubble recursively.

    Do you have any ideas how to do it in a different way?

  • yay, thanks!!!

  • Me again with a small request:

    Is it possible to set/get board offset (X,Y) also in the event editor?


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