xoros's Recent Forum Activity

  • True, that's an option.

    Another question: Has anybody tried to track different game events with GA? Something like button/mouse clicks etc.

  • Hello,

    is there any possibility to inject a js code (google analytics script) directly into index.html automatically on export? So far as I understand calling GA externally is not good.

  • Hello fellas,

    What do you think, does it makes sense to conduct this kind of survey on the forum? There's a list of C2 plugins and behaviours with check boxes, so that the user can check his 5 favorite plugins in the order of usefulness from 1 to 5. Or only one of them. Results could reveal some interesting info.

  • The method by rexraibow will work on mobile, but it depends on the browser.

    Velojet - I will look into your plugin and let you know.

  • I'll take a look.

  • wow, that's a lot of work. Without your plugin's it would not be possible to do a lot of things, especially multiplayer.

  • Heroku is not a problem, I'm running your js-server it on a local machine.

  • A quick question rexrainbow:

    I made a real time multiplayer game using your plugins, a kind of "bust a move" clone for two players. Sometimes I experience a weird behavior, when one function is called by both players at the same time, there's a tiny async, when it happens and the game breaks. I don't know may be my code is buggy or it is the the way a sync-function plugin is implemented. I assume it is implemented like a queue. Does it make sense if I make two separate functions for each player, in order to solve this?

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  • Actually, what I meant is just an official behavior by scirra for changing parameters over time with easing options, something like MoveTo or easyTween, but an official one.

  • Hello there,

    I was just wondering if it's ever going to be implemented. There are some good 3rd party plugins for easing (e.g. MoveTo), but I think it would be good to have it supported officially, because it's a very essential functionality.

  • If Construct 2 will ever be released on iPad - it will be an ultra-killer app. Just imagine you can take C2 everywhere.

    Current interface workflows would transfer very well into the touch device.

  • Hello there,

    not sure if anybody else had this idea: it's like a tool for painting sprites, backgrounds etc direcrly into the layout, so that you basically draw your level layout. It's like cloning certain sprites snapped to a grid.

    We can go further and paint a new sprite (e.g. curved, irregular form) directly into the layout. So it feels like you really draw a level.


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Member since 18 May, 2012

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