xoros's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello guys,

    What do you think about implementing shortcuts for some frequently used events/actions, like Browser>Log, SetValue, CompareTwoValues or even some custom defined.

    For example: clicking with the right mouse button at the desired position in the event sheet opens up a pull down menu, where you can choose your frequently used actions/events (or custom defined).

    Or even showing them in the event dialogue window somewhere at the bottom, so you don't have to navigate through the hierarchy each time.

  • Hello fellas,

    I checked C2 Keyboard Shortcuts List:


    and didn't fount any for event sheet search. I suppose people use it a lot, so it makes sense to create a shortcut for it: something usual like Ctr+F opens a ribbon dialogue and focuses on a search field.

  • That's very cool of you.

  • Oh, I'll try to specify it. Actually it is pretty simple:

    E.g I have multiple .capx files which I would like to join together into a new .capx (with all objects, behaviours, families, variables, events, event sheets, layouts).

    There should be an interface, where I could choose what objects/variables should be merged into the new .capx (e.g. select all or check boxes) and from what source .capx.

    Actually this functionality is already available to some extend by copy/pasting, but as I said before you can't copy paste families.

  • One of the problems of copy/pasting is that it's not possible to copy/paste families.

  • Hi guys,

    What do you think about the feature suggestion in the subject?

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  • Distributing a heavy recursion/loop over multiple ticks is a clever technique, indeed.

  • Almost, but it doesn't save a backups on preview.

  • Hello guys,

    how about the feature in the subject? C2 just crashed and I lost lots of work.

  • Hi guys,

    Let's assume I have 4 sprites and two families (A & B) which share this 4 sprites. When I create an instance of a family-A, "on Created" event of the family-B is triggered and vice versa, which is confusing.

    I want to understand is it a bug, feature or by design.

  • Check this out:


    There's an example by Basically, the same technique can be applied for detection of connected bubbles.

    1) while loop + scaling the bubble and chek if scaled bubble overlpas another bubbles of the same color, than scale them and check again untill it doesn not overlap. This is a sort of recursion/flood fill.

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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