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  • Ah, this will only work if both strings are exactly the same or pairs have the same order. I think may be Regex could help, but the biggest problem here is the order of pairs, the search should be unordered.

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  • Hello there,

    I would explain it with the examle:

    The game needs a pattern matching algorithm. E.g. there's a list of all possible patterns as 2d array coordintates (as string):

    Here's one possible pattern:

    0,1 0,2 0,3 1,1 1,2 1,3

    Than I have a set of 2d array coordinates, that I would like to check if it contains a pattern from the list (the string above):

    5,4 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 1,1 1,2 1,3

    How to check if the 2nd string contains all the pairs from the first string, despite of order of pairs?

  • Hello fellas,

    here's just a feature suggestion: similar to photoshop you can make a history snapshot (sort of intermediate save), so that you can revert to it by clicking on a snapshot icon. You can create multiple snapshots in one project. It's sort of undo to the specific point. I think it's just comfort feature, but it would be nice to have.

  • This is an incredible app - the best free tool for bitmap font creation. The most powerful feature is that you can style your fonts in PS, than just drag and drop the PNG with all the required characters and voila, spritesheet is ready.

  • Yeah, that's true. Than call it reference by instance variable.

  • I think it could be very useful, but it's not possible to establish relations between instances of the same object. I have a feature suggestion for your plugin, it's called reference by tag:

    • user can put a tag (string) into any object or instance and than set reference to that tag.
    • it is possible to pick referenced object/instances by tag
  • Thanks, exactly what I need.

  • Anybody?

  • Hello there,

    just tried an official spritefont plugin and figured out, it is not possible to import fonts into it. Is there any tool for character maps creation? Or how do you usually do this? I can't imgaine mapping each character in photoshop manaually.

  • Guizmus - thanks for your suggestion. Actually I don't use any arrays for storing tokens. Instead I use an invisible sprite for all the calculations - it calculates much faster and is more flexible, than using arrays. For example a standard "flood fill" algorithm is done on while loop by scaling an invisible sprite up and moving it through all neighbor tiles of the same colour and marking them. So the first step is done.

    May be detecting a shape should work similar to the invisible sprite approach, like there's an invisible cross-shape (which contains all the possible shapes) and I move it through all the connected tokens and check what tokens are overlapping.

  • I'll try to explain again:

    Let's take Bejeweled as an example. When you swap gems in Bejeweled, tokens of the same colour are getting matched (destroyed) if they are positioned in a certain shapes, like a row of three, four, "T", "L","+" shapes. Detecting a row of tokens is not a problem, but how to detect more complex shapes?

    This plugin is using a board plugin for detecting shapes, which will not work in my project.

  • Hi guys,

    so, the question is how to detect typical shapes like "T", "L", "+" etc. in a match three game. Right now I'm using a flood fill algorithm for finding all connected tokens of the same colour (scaling up an invisible sprite, checking the neighbors, moving to the next neighbor of the same colour). I think, I have to filter the result of a flood fill some how.

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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