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  • And XDK is not working properly either.. I get weird static noises in the game with that even in their emulator. Nothing works! so sick of all this crap!

  • thatserafimkid yes it use with leaderboard and achievement and share etc follow my tutorial anyone get any error can ask me i'll help you ... onstruct-2

    When I try to use appodeal with cocoonIO I get compiler error!

    Also the appodeal plugin is very bad, no way to check if an ad is loaded. No way to decide what you want to happen if an interstitial ad is dismissed etc.

  • Sound problems in Intel XDK Crosswalk: The background music doesn't play in emulator and I get some 401 error about permissions in the debugger. My other projects works just fine.

    edit: I also get a weird static low volume noise like a "bump" every 10 seconds. <-- same project

    error message:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized) ... erapp/x/C/…b9b09/platforms/android/assets/media/2_game%20music%2002%20loop%20full.ogg

  • As always scirra say : its not us !! Its your problem

    Probably because it is not Scirra that makes the cordova, but I don't see any reason to panic as I'm quite sure that both xdk and cocoon will fix this well within the time limit that google play has told us.

  • https://standard-discourseorg.netdna-ss ... give that a spin <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> Yes I just downloaded it after receiving email response from Andreas Reitberger regarding the problem.

    There are still sound problems though. Even if I pause music before video ads and then resume music when it is dismissed all audio breaks and game crashes 5 times of 10.

  • Yes they are still there after I close the game and after I close C2. Only ways to get rid of them are to shut them down manually or reboot.

  • Yep! works much better now, thanks!

  • I just checked my taskmanager and discovered that it was invaded by 30+ instances of nw running and using memory.

    I'm guesing something is wrong but the question is what to do about it?

    Anyone else experiencing the sam thing?

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  • Decided to put in some banner ads but they keep flashing on and off all the time. Have tested in developer app and in compiled apk.. same result. any thoughts on that.

    Oh yes by the way, have tested my sound and music buttons and now they work great so thanks for all the help with that!

  • yea you don't try to control the volume.. use the tag in your audio.. call it.. "music" for example.. then you use the pause command and refer it by that tag.. pause / resume respectively.

    Thanks! Got it working now so I can have seperate toggles for music and sound. I'll have to test it more tomorrow to make sure but now its 4:30 am here so I'm going to bed

  • Setting audio to silent have no effect on background music in cocoonIO, just the sound effects. Trying to make a toggle button for the music. Any thoughts?

  • In that case I think it's either or.. go to their site and ask them in their support chat, thats how I found out that it won't work with cocoonIO and they seem like a helpful bunch.

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