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  • Have been searching the forum about this but couldn�t find any posts.

    I have made the sprites I need but can�t figure out how to make them work.

    Some help would be greatly appriciated :)

  • ok thanks for all the input guys.. now I have both CS5.1 and inkscape installed.. think I?ll start testing inkscape first :)

  • ok just installed a trial of CS5.1 now I�m looking for beginner tutorials for it :)

  • Was hoping anyone would have some tips on what software to use to create sprites. Looking for something that have a lot shapes n stuff since everything I try to draw freehand ends up looking like roadkill.

    Have tried gimp but couldn�t even figure out how to draw a simple filled circle :(

    So any suggestions would be great!!


  • Ok so I tested chrome and it made a BIG difference! :) Much better now, just small stutters. However I agree with Mulkaccino, would be nice to know what causes it. Perhaps a case of bad luck when I desided what gpu card to buy.. the GeForce 560Ti series is known to have all kinds of weird problems.. anyway, I�ll have to keep testing C2 before I deside to buy a licens or not. Thx guys

  • hmm.. okay. A noob question: what is garbage collection?

  • ok here it is then :)

  • ok I have the capx on my HDD, guess I�ll need someplace to upload it to?

  • ok back again, done all the updates, checked the WebGl option but still the same result.. How do I post my capx?

  • Oh.. forgot to update my FireFox just did that now.. gonna check for new drivers for my gpu as well. I deleted my project (got frustrated sry) will make a new one and test again. Thx for the help :)

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  • I�ve just started using C2 and yesterday I made simple test game following the tutorial using the jungle package. When I run the game I get horrible graphics tearing in both IE9 and FireFox. I followed all the tips & tricks I could find to increase performance but with no results. I�ve seen clips of games made with C2 running perfectly smooth with beautiful graphics so what am I doing wrong?.

    My pc:

    CPU: Intel core i7 960

    GPU: Asus GeForce GTX560 Ti CU2

    RAM: 12Gb 1600Mhz

    HDD: Samsung Green 500Gb 7200rpm 8mb cache

    Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth X58

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