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  • Fib Yeah but this means we have to recreate every single ACE that already exist in Construct 3 to create our own awful node-based Unreal-like Blueprints ?

    Then just don't recreate Blueprints then. It's just a way to store data in a graph structure. No different from array, dictionary, or json.

    Also it still doesn't solve the Node Data issue i keep mentionning. What about the avatar sprite, the avatar animation, the text animation and so on ?

    A node is very similar a dictionary where you create your own properties. Sure, if you want to stuff 20 pieces of data into a single property then go for it. Or you could just have 20 properties on the node with different names. Or create 20 nodes each with 1 property. The world is your oyster.

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  • My idea is similar to piranha's above. You don't implement EVERY node individually. You have reusable nodes where you implement the generic behavior once. In this example there are only 3 node behaviors, wait, random, and dialogue.

    Overboy I see your point about node templates though! Having to recreate the dialogue nodes inside the flowchart editor every time is a pain. Two solutions, have the ability to duplicate a node, or when creating a node ask us if we want to "create a node from scratch" or "create a node from a template" and have another field for template name on the node.

  • Need to remember the right order of token (is the 17th token in the output data the string-based sound to play when this node is reached ? or it is the wait X second values argh i don't remember, argh i don't have enough space to see all the tokens at once, oops i skipped token 6, mmh i wish i had autompletion for the avatar sprite name) + use tedious token expressions to parse and interprete the data.

    What tokens are you talking about and why would you have to remember them all? If youre just talking about node tags then I don't see the issue. C3 has tag systems everywhere, audio, timers, tweens, solid collision filter, etc. Why would node tags be any more cumbersome than those?

  • Thanks Scirra I love this new feature! I'm very excited to see what the possibilities are.I'm pretty happy with it as is except for a few things, here's my wishlist.

    1. A new node type that allows you to link to a different flowchart (either at start or tag)
    2. The ability to create cycles (otherwise FSMs are not possible as they are usually full of cycles, ex: enemyWalk --> enemyTelegraph --> enemyAttack --> enemyWalk)
    3. Customize node title, and possibly a description in properties bar (instead of just saying "Flowchart node" in title of node, allow us to customize the title, ex: "Flowchart node - Guard Dialogue Options"
    4. Arrow management - right click an arrow and "create arrow node" which can be moved around (it does nothing except make our arrows look nice and not intersect other nodes)
  • I've never used scripting in C3 but I'm very very familiar with the event sheet. I've been doing javascript coding at work lately and thought I should try scripting in C3.

    So does scripting do the picking for you like the event sheets do?

  • Scirra should jump on this unity fail and do some marketing. Like create a special coupon for 50% off first month or something. Then tell Unity devs to sign up if they're looking to jump ship.

  • Ya C3 would be perfect for that. Especially if there's not much communication going on with the server, then it's easy.

    To me C3 is perfectly suited for apps (even if it's a business app) that need a lot of custom visual animation / effects. Trying to do complicated visuals in HTML/CSS is a pain.

  • Overboy Thanks for the really cool plugins. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the UID plugin. In order to know the UID you have to place the instance in a layout, right? This wouldn't work for instances created at runtime because you wouldn't know the UID unless you pick it, but if you've already picked it then that plugin is redundant. Am I understanding correctly?

  • Also really tempted to buy, especially UID to anything, but i got burned with ProUI. C3 changes so much its hard to rely on 3rd party extensions.

    Wait, how did you get burned by ProUI? I still use it to this day and have never had an issue.

  • Yes absolutely, you would just use sprites instead of tilemaps.

    You still need to be careful though as having thousands of sprites in one layout (especially if they're just standing there looking pretty) will tank your FPS. So if you're creating a static background I would lay it out in Photoshop and export it as one sprite.

    Also be sure to disable collisions on any static, non interactable, sprites so you can reduce calculations. Also if you have large levels (significantly larger than one screen) then don't forget to turn on render cells on the layers.

    You should be good for desktop & web exports then. But not sure about mobile. I've heard on the forums people getting pretty bad FPS and battery life on mobile.

  • Sounds like you need the persist behavior.

  • A hierarchy view might be better than the current Z Order bar regarding this.

    As it would also allow to create hierarchy relationship directly by drag and dropping objects under/on top of each other in this dedicated view. On top of a lot of new QOL stuff it would allow, such as a way to efficently find and select instances of the current Layout

    I filled a detailed request a few weeks ago, Hierarchy View :

    If anyone is interested please consider voting for it.

    (Also, I made this list of other important QOL/features that could be nice to have in the engine, how they could work in combination with each other, or with already existing features and so on. Some of them are related to Hierarchies/Templates :[/i]

    Yes please, you got 3 votes from me.

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