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  • Thanks everyone for the suggestions! Keep them coming as the more I get the better idea I have of what the community wants.

  • A pet simulator and care game. I cannot find a tutorial for this topic anywhere for Construct.

    Do you have a specific game in mind that I can base it off of? Nintendogs or Tamagachi?

  • Thank you so much. Can I suggest a tutorial about an Adventure game with puzzles, keys to open doors, hidden rooms and defeating enemies and solving the logic?

    Do you have a specific adventure game in mind to base it off of?

  • There are 2 types of blending, alpha and color. The default blend modes in construct, like destination out, do alpha blending (except additive, which confusingly is a color blend).

    Your issue is that alpha blends will never affect color, they are more like boolean operations on the alpha channel. What you need is color blending which are all found under the "Effects", like multiply and screen. As stated earlier though if you want additive blending then that is in the same list as the alpha blends.

  • a guide with some techniques for loot boxes, rewards, store, iap, rewarded ads, virtual coins etc, and how to actually make people buy the crap :DD That's the tutorial I need

    Sadly I know nothing about any of that. I know a little about selling premium games on steam. But most of those topics are mobile specific and I don't make mobile games.

  • Hello,

    I've been around the forums for years and feel like I want to give back to the community in some way. So I'm thinking about making a tutorial, maybe a few if it's well received. But I wanted to get your feedback on what kind of tutorial would be most useful to you.

    Before I ask I'll tell you a little about myself. I've been using Construct for about 5 years. I've launched 2 construct games on Steam, Whitevale Defender, and Daka Dara. One educational game I made as a contractor (can't link that one). Also made small game jam games you can find on my page. I'm not saying those are good games, but that I've learned a lot.

    First off, I'd like to focus on intermediate to advanced topics, as I feel there are plenty of really good beginner tutorials already out there. It will be Construct 3 only. Finally, I don't make mobile games nor online multiplayer games so I can't do anything related to those.

    So what kind of tutorials would be most useful to you?

    • How to create a specific genre with a broad take on the genre specific tropes (zelda-like, jrpg, rogue-like, city builder, survival, etc.)?
    • In-depth on a specific game topic (visual/audio effects, dialogue system, enemy AI, RPG battle system, loot system, menu system, input re-mapping system, etc.)?
    • Technical topics (loading/reading data, debugging/testing, how arrays/dictionaries work, how NWjs works, installer for NWjs export, etc.)?
    • Game design & production (brainstorming/refining ideas, pacing/balance/choice/randomness, story/meaning, scheduling/planning, production process, organizing a large C3 project, etc.)?

    Those are the broad topics with a few examples to get your brain thinking. So leave a comment about what kind of tutorial will be most useful to you and I'll wait about a week before I make a decision.


  • That's super exciting! Good job MP2 Games. I'm curious how well Cyber Shadow will do sales wise, so I'm keeping an eye on it.

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  • There's a ton of music (of varying quality) on OpenGameArt. In the top right go to Browse-->Music.

    If you'd like quicker access to higher quality music and are willing to pay check out Audio Jungle.

  • So it depends greatly on how the engine is written. Yes, a poorly written, unoptimized engine written in C can run slower than an optimized one written in javascript. So I guess the best way to say it, for example, an engine written in C for desktop has the potential to be magnitudes faster than a browser one in javascript.

    In C, memory is managed by the programmer, and can be used quite cleverly to minimize cache misses (if the programmer really knows what they're doing). There's no way to do that in javascript as far as I know.

    Also, because Javascript is interpreted, it cannot benefit from the optimizations that a C compiler can do. I realize there are "javascript compilers" like Google's Closure Compiler, but those don't produce highly optimized machine code, they just output optimized javascript. Which they appear to me be more concerned with download size rather than runtime speed.

  • Construct 3 actually creates the sprite sheets for you automatically. So there's no reason for you to attempt to organize your images into sprite sheets manually.

    In my experiences the performance of the actual Construct 3 runtime is generally very good for it being written in javascript and running in a browser. But keep in mind it won't out perform a runtime written nativly for the device. Since everything is web tech, if you want to export your game for desktops or mobile devices, we are forced to rely on wrappers like Cordova and NWjs. Those wrappers are great to get our games out to a wider audience but they have a lot of overhead and also run the entire game/app in a webview.

  • Oh haha gotcha. So did you get it to work then?

  • I would first try creating a sprite just for overlap detection. Just change the size and rotation of that sprite at runtime between the 2 barriers, then check if your player disc is overlapping that sprite. That sprite would be invisible in the real game though.

    If the disc is going at high speeds then you could move the player's disc with the Bullet behavior and enable stepping mode so you can do more fine grained overlap tests.

    If you need the disc to only be able to cross in a certain direction, like crossing over the finish line in a racing game, then that gets a lot more complicated, but still doable. It would require you to model the sprite positions as vectors and compute the dot product. Let me know if you need this and I can attempt to elaborate on it.

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