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  • Bumpin this cause i'm interested.

  • Same symptoms here. I have been meaning to submit a github issue, but haven’t been able to sit down in front of a computer for a few days.

    I went ahead and submitted a github bug report. Kinda want to work on this on the iPad now.

  • I get the same error when trying to launch the C3 editor on the iPad. This only occurs when I log into my account on it. When on guest account it doesn't crashes.

  • Is anyone in the Xbox Insider Program..

    Do you have to be part of the Xbox Insider Program to get the fall update? I just checked mine and it still says rs2.

  • Originally built in C2, now being developed in C3.

    Video clip of running on the Xbox One :

    And with the release of r58 and iOS 11, it now runs on the iPad!! Considering the high CPU usage, it manages to hold a steady 60FPS. Awsome <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool"> !!!

    Now...but what happens if i export it to Cordova....? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused">

  • Wow...awesome trailer!!!

  • Cryptwalker Your performance there (second test vid) actually looks great for C2/3, I am surprised it's running that well on an Xbox + Edge combo.

    Yah i was quite surprised at how well it ran after that. It was just that initial deployment that ran slow. All others runs were pretty much perfect. I even redeployed it again in Release mode and this time it ran even smoother on the Xbox One, FPS stayed closer to full 60fps. Really liking how this is all turning out .

    With all that said.....I however did notice the jankiness that a lot of folks have been having on the Xbox One. Note that this *did NOT* occur at all on the PC/Mac when running on Chrome or NW.js. I only noticed it when running around in an open area - where all obstacles and enemies were cleared out - and it just freely scrolled around the level. During combat gameplay it was not evident at all though. I wonder if thats an Xbox One Edge thing.....

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  • Eh...the dropbox changed messed up all my public images. Luckily it was still fixable.

    Anyways, here's a clip of Raider running on Xbox One :

  • So with all this buzz about UWP performance, i decided to export my little project to UWP on the Xbox One just to see how (bad) it'll actually run. After exporting it out from C3, running it on the local machine (my current laptop) in Visual Studios had meh performance...maxing at 40fps and controls was acting weird. Was hoping for something better but this was actually kinda on par with what other folks were getting. least it works. My next test was deploying it to the Xbox One itself...

    The very first initial run after it got deployed was slooooowwww and disappointing with 23fps max and dropped down to around 9fps at one point when things were blowing everywhere. Insanely high cpu usage. Yeah....not looking good at all. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

    However, after exiting out and running it again the second time (i guess it had to reload everything from memory).....holy shit it jumped up to 57fps and averaged at around 54fps dipping down about 45fps at the heavier physics scenes. Plays almost identical to NW.jS now. CPU usage still high though. Needless to say, i was pretty happy with what i was getting! Maybe there is hope after all with running C3 projects on the Xbox One <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool"> .

    Here's a clip of my wife playing it on the Xbox One (excuse her...she's not that good.. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz"> )

  • 2) Apart from UWP and WiiU, C2 can't deploy to consoles. I know console may be a bit of a long shot anyway, but with GMS the possibility is there at least.

    Well....aside from porting to the PS4, thats really the only difference in console export that C2/C3 can't do (yet). Actually i think GMS1 might be able to get on the Vita too...can't recall. GMS2 only does PS4 and XboxOne. Even the folks at YoyoGames has made it clear that they're not having much luck with Nintendo. Your best bet in this department is either : Unity, Unreal, MonoGame, or using a porting company (a lot of indies do this anyways). Note that pretty much every game engine thats not Unity or Unreal has a thread like this with everyone bugging the devs for console export.

    But here's the thing though. While its every indie developer's ultimate goal to get their games on consoles (me included), from what I hear the bulk of revenue made from their games are actually not from consoles but rather PC itself. And...the vast majority of us can barely complete a game worthy of being on a console anyways (especially me).

    Not knocking on GMS2 though. Been playing around with it lately and i'm liking it a lot.

  • the lambo is back on the table......

  • To be fair, in my projects (though nothing thoroughly completed) I haven't actually hit any troubling slowdowns or jankiness that appears to affect so many here. Probably due to the fact that my projects are usually NES style pixel based with the resolution set at 320x180px. This is with heavy use of onscreen physics objects, C2/C3 impressively manages to stay at a constant 60fps even with all sorts of spawning physic bits all over the place. Granted, i did get it drop down to 36fps while running on my 2014 i-5 Macbook Pro on a virtual machine - because C3 didn't existed yet. Running in native MacOS it still holds steady 60fps.

    Now when testing this out on mobiles devices....well thats a whole other issue.

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