Cryptwalker's Recent Forum Activity

  • This is interesting stuff. I use a ton of family in my projects and have notice this as well too. Good to see this is being addressed now.

  • A few things :

  • BTW folks, i've started a thread on the Microsoft Dev Center forums regarding the Falls Update Expanded Memory Resource for HTML5 based apps if anyone interested.

  • nw (or whatever the main file with the name of your project is)



    anything ending in .so

    So i chmod a+x nw, nacl_helper, nacl_helper_bootsrap, as well as all the .so files in the lib folder...and still not running. In the command line, I even bash nw and got "cannot execute binary file" error. I tried to ./nw and got "Exec format error". It almost as if it just doesn't want to recognize nw as an executable...

  • Did you compile your game in C3 or C2?


    I'm using C3. Originally, i had to build an export to 32-bit Linux from a Windows system as it kept on crashing the browser (could be a bug...) and then download it to the Linux system from another location. Next, i litterally was able to build it directly on the Linux system when I selected both 32-bit and 64-bit, and download it directly. But still...same issue. It just opens the terminal window quickly and then closes it out.

    I also already tried the chmod a+x yourgame and still not working. I'm getting a "command not found" error when trying to run nw....which i'm assuming (not a linux buff here..) that all i need to actually do is just type nw and enter to run it. Weird thing is that nw is listed as an executable when doing a directory listing. Just weird.

    I should mention that I'm on a Tinker Board running a version of Debian. Everything works great on it...especially on this tiny thing. Matter of fact, i'm browsing the web and working on this C3 project while typing this out on it right now. Just can't get the nw.js to run on it...

  • 3. Double click on the file named "nw", and from your File Manager select Open With "Terminal Eliminator". Alternatively you could just right click on the "nw" file, and select Open With "Terminal Eliminator". Either way your game should start right up.

    Are you actually referring to Terminal Emulator? Either way, didn't work for me. Still trying to figure this one out...

  • NetOne - now....that looks like one hell of a demo ready to be played by me. The set up for whats going to happen looks awesome already. That beam weapon is beast though. Looking good man, keep at it!!!!!

  • Figured it out!!!! So yeah...turns out it was my installation of Visual Studios 2017 after all. I noticed there was this ominous yellow flag at the top right of the screen in Visual Studios. Not that i cared much for it but i clicked on it anyways and it notified me of an updates for Visual Studios 2017. Clicked on that and it updated Visual Studio Installer. When that finished, Visual Studio Installer ran and allowed me to selected different Workloads Components to install like UWP and other components. So i did all finished. I rebooted...loaded up my exported C3 project loaded now!!!!

    But the build still failed since my SDK versioning was incorrect - even though it actually wasn't. I have 10.0.16299.15 installed but it wasn't reading that. So i did what Studio Mercato suggested and changed the last diigits to a zero : 10.0.16299.0 in the propteries. Then it worked! Hell yes! All is good now .

    Gonna deploy this on the Xbox One when i get home..... (yeah i spent half the day at work messing with this... )

  • studio Mercato

    Thanks but still not working. I did noticed in the project file, the ToolsVersion and VisualStudioVersion were both set to 14, however the current latest version of VS2017 is at 15.2. I made the updates, and still....same issue. Not sure what the heck is going on here. Weird thing is, it happens with ALL my projects...even new ones that i made specifically for testing. Any ideas? I've been searching the web but been getting all these vague fixes which do pretty much nothing. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with VS2017 now...

  • Alright so i'm having trouble trying to get C3 exported projects to load in VS2017 for the new update. I usually just use VS2015 as it just loads the project instantly. Anyone else having this issue?

  • I need to get back into this...been playing around with the Raspberry Pi these past few weeks that I haven't gotten a chance to test any updates yet. Kinda curious to see any performance improvements though.

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