Ios11 is now available for public with web assembly and webrtc support, what does this means for construct 3 users ? Can we use c3 on ipad and iphone anytime soon ?
The latest news regarding this was that Safari will be supported at some point in the future. The posting said "possibly later this year".
r58 supports iOS 11+ so you can try it now!
It also means Remote Preview and Multiplayer should work on iOS 11.
i tried it but when logging in, editor panic and shows error page with options to restart, copy log and something i dont remember now.
This is the error i get.
Error report information Type: unhandled rejection Reason: Error: web crypto only available on secure origins @ !ZcU@ promiseReactionJob@[native code] Stack: !ZcU@ promiseReactionJob@[native code] Construct 3 version: r58 URL: Date: Fri Sep 22 2017 23:28:22 GMT+0330 (+0330) Uptime: 24 s Platform information Browser: Safari Browser version: 11.0 Browser engine: WebKit Browser architecture: (unknown) Context: browser Operating system: iOS Operating system version: 11.0 Operating system architecture: (unknown) Device type: mobile Device pixel ratio: 2 Logical CPU cores: (unavailable, defaulting to 2) Approx. device memory: (unavailable) User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1 C3 release: r58 Language setting: en-US WebGL information Version string: WebGL 1.0 (OpenGL ES 2.0 Apple A8X GPU - 111.40) Numeric version: 1 Supports NPOT textures: partial Supports GPU profiling: no Vendor: Apple Inc. Renderer: Apple A8X GPU Major performance caveat: no Maximum texture size: 4096 Point size range: 1 to 511 Extensions: EXT_blend_minmax, EXT_sRGB, OES_texture_float, OES_texture_float_linear, OES_texture_half_float, OES_texture_half_float_linear, OES_standard_derivatives, EXT_shader_texture_lod, EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, OES_vertex_array_object, OES_element_index_uint, WEBGL_lose_context, WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc, WEBGL_depth_texture, ANGLE_instanced_arrays, WEBGL_debug_renderer_info[/code:1sey3v2m]
I get the same error when trying to launch the C3 editor on the iPad. This only occurs when I log into my account on it. When on guest account it doesn't crashes.
Same symptoms here. I have been meaning to submit a github issue, but haven’t been able to sit down in front of a computer for a few days.
I went ahead and submitted a github bug report. Kinda want to work on this on the iPad now.
Seconded it With my ipad model, has anybody had same problem with iphone's running ios 11 ?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
My iPhones have the same symptoms as well.
I checked on an iphone, that's what led to my impression earlier that it was still unsupported
The log in issue in Safari should be fixed in the next build. As far as I can tell most of everything else is working OK though.
I can confirm that the r59 did fix that login issue now.
However, changing the UI mode does cause a crash and error message. Once the page is reloaded afterwards, the UI mode did take effect. A new gitHub ticket was submitted.