Ios11 is now available for public with web assembly and webrtc support, what does this means for construct 3 users ? Can we use c3 on ipad and iphone anytime soon ?
The latest news regarding this was that Safari will be supported at some point in the future. The posting said "possibly later this year".
r58 supports iOS 11+ so you can try it now!
It also means Remote Preview and Multiplayer should work on iOS 11.
i tried it but when logging in, editor panic and shows error page with options to restart, copy log and something i dont remember now.
This is the error i get.
Error report information Type: unhandled rejection Reason: Error: web crypto only available on secure origins @ !ZcU@ promiseReactionJob@[native code] Stack: !ZcU@ promiseReactionJob@[native code] Construct 3 version: r58 URL: Date: Fri Sep 22 2017 23:28:22 GMT+0330 (+0330) Uptime: 24 s Platform information Browser: Safari Browser version: 11.0 Browser engine: WebKit Browser architecture: (unknown) Context: browser Operating system: iOS Operating system version: 11.0 Operating system architecture: (unknown) Device type: mobile Device pixel ratio: 2 Logical CPU cores: (unavailable, defaulting to 2) Approx. device memory: (unavailable) User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1 C3 release: r58 Language setting: en-US WebGL information Version string: WebGL 1.0 (OpenGL ES 2.0 Apple A8X GPU - 111.40) Numeric version: 1 Supports NPOT textures: partial Supports GPU profiling: no Vendor: Apple Inc. Renderer: Apple A8X GPU Major performance caveat: no Maximum texture size: 4096 Point size range: 1 to 511 Extensions: EXT_blend_minmax, EXT_sRGB, OES_texture_float, OES_texture_float_linear, OES_texture_half_float, OES_texture_half_float_linear, OES_standard_derivatives, EXT_shader_texture_lod, EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, OES_vertex_array_object, OES_element_index_uint, WEBGL_lose_context, WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc, WEBGL_depth_texture, ANGLE_instanced_arrays, WEBGL_debug_renderer_info[/code:1sey3v2m]
I get the same error when trying to launch the C3 editor on the iPad. This only occurs when I log into my account on it. When on guest account it doesn't crashes.
Same symptoms here. I have been meaning to submit a github issue, but haven’t been able to sit down in front of a computer for a few days.
I went ahead and submitted a github bug report. Kinda want to work on this on the iPad now.
Seconded it With my ipad model, has anybody had same problem with iphone's running ios 11 ?
My iPhones have the same symptoms as well.
I checked on an iphone, that's what led to my impression earlier that it was still unsupported
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
The log in issue in Safari should be fixed in the next build. As far as I can tell most of everything else is working OK though.
I can confirm that the r59 did fix that login issue now.
However, changing the UI mode does cause a crash and error message. Once the page is reloaded afterwards, the UI mode did take effect. A new gitHub ticket was submitted.