Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • Script minification hasn't been working for me for a long, long time. I made a thread a while back and the consensus was that only a really old version of java works with C2.

    Had this problem on Win7, 8, and 8.1. Haven't tried exporting with Win10 yet. Don't think that's the problem.

  • purplemonkey Nope. It's impossible to do without a custom or event-based behavior. I had one person who was interested in doing this but it was never finished.

  • Anyone here added quest / missions to their games? I'm doing this for the first time and would like to get some input on how to go about it. I have a few things in mind but they just sound...rough. My main idea is to just use dictionaries with a custom quest editor to create all the keys and default it'd be something like this:

    Quest_GetTheKeys_Description : String

    Quest_GetTheKeys_Active? : Bool

    Quest_GetTheKeys_Complete? : Bool

    Quest_GetTheKeys_Key1 : Bool

    Quest_GetTheKeys_Key2 : Bool

    Quest_GetTheKeys_Key3 : Bool

    Then when a key object is collected I'd run a loop to see if all 3 have been collected. If so, Quest_GetTheKeys_Complete is set to 1 and the player is able to turn it in.


  • This might help? I never understand how you're supposed to translate this stuff to C2 :T

  • Trying to install but it says info.xml is missing from the root.

  • chrisbrobs MatheusCastellar Yeah but I'd rather pay $10 for a solid, quality shader than get a busted one with no support for free. Sadly this has been the case for a large number of C2's 3rd party shaders and plugins so I tend to avoid them. If everything is free then there's very little incentive to create and maintain quality products.

  • LemonDROP You can use any kind of graphics or resolution you want! We're just using pixel art because that's our thing. Nearly everything is coded using variables instead of hard numbers so it only takes a few tweaks to have full HD game or whatever.

  • Yeah that would be nice. The current way to do this is to "hack" it in with some program I forgot the name of.

    I only got it to work once and the icon was warped. Fun stuff...

  • Yeah and every one of them has seams..The "right" way to do this is with an effect like Scroll by Somebody. Sadly it doesn't seem to work properly on export and he disappeared a while ago.

  • Well this is just lovely.

  • Thanks for the links guys. We ended up going with GitHub (signed up for a month before discovering bitbucket) and SourceTree because GitHubs desktop client is pretty rough. Got a nice little workflow going now

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  • Thanks I'll check those out.

    I wish game engines like this would stop putting everything in a single program. If we had external level, sprite, object, etc. editors then everyone could just work together in real-time over dropbox lol. Or they could use online collaboration like SuperPowers.

    Ashley Any chance either of these will happen for C3? GM:S has version control built-in, and Fusion 3 allegedly has GitHub built into the editor.

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