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  • Just trying to figure out the best way to use HD art in C2, man... That is, retaining image quality, scaling well with camera zooming & multiple resolutions, not wasting memory / bloating project / losing performance, and unison between object types such as sprites, tiled BGs, 9-patches, tilemaps, and 3rd party image plugins.

    Everyone says something different or contradicts themselves. Now there's talk of mipmapping power of two textures on export? So there will be discrepancies between preview and final build image quality? Oy...

  • Tiled backgrounds doesn't allow scaling it's graphics, so if you downscale everything else the tiled backgrounds will still remain low resolution.

    Yeah neither do 9-patches and various 3rd party plugins that use images now that you mention it...

    Ok this is starting to get annoying. C2 appears to be far less HD-friendly than I thought it was, and few people seem totally confident in their methods.

    Ashley Is there even a "proper" way to use HD art in C2 or is everyone just supposed to hack it depending on their project's needs? I mean really...

  • I'm about to begin my first project using HD graphics. There are a few things I'm a little confused about. I would appreciate some input by someone who's worked with HD graphics in C2 before.

    1)Do you import your images at full size and downscale them in the layout editor? I noticed this makes sprites look better when zooming in the camera, but they look bad at the normal zoom level. They don't look as good as the source image at any zoom level though...

    On the flip side, scaling down the source images makes sprites look bad when zoomed in, but better at a normal zoom level. I'll also save a lot of memory that way.

    2)If so, do you draw everything "to-scale" and then downscale it by, say, 50% in the editor? Or is each asset individually scaled to your liking?

    3)Linear or point sampling? With pixel art this makes a huge difference. In my tests with HD art it was exactly the same...

    4)Does source image size affect performance at all? Or is it just the size of the object?

    Any other tips or tricks? Hell even a basic rundown of working with HD graphics would be nice. There seems to be a number of options here and I'm just not sure what's best. I've only used pixel art for 8 years!

  • Is the endless cry for native exporters even because of performance? I thought the issue was 3rd party reliance and the inability to export to consoles and such. Even exporting to Mac and Linux via NW.js seems to be pretty troublesome.

    I have had no problems with desktop performance for retro and HD games alike. I've seem some horribly optimized HD games that still ran very well. There's the v-sync issue of course, but that's not a C2 or HTML5 problem to my knowledge.

    Mobile performance was terrible last I checked, but that was like 3 years ago using CocoonJS or whatever. I'm with Lennaert on this one. Someone just needs to make a good mobile game example.

  • Hm. I'm getting consistent jank from your camera pan test and that vsync test website in Chrome. Significantly worse in Edge.

    I've heard a lot of people say the vsync/jank issue has been fixed hasn't? It's gotten a little better but it's still very noticeable.

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  • NaSTy Thanks!

    1. It is designed as a desktop game. There are few input events, and what is there is bundled together, so you can probably add touch controls in like half an hour. Also, it can be tricky to bring this to mobile devices considering the fixed-size rooms and map tiles. Honestly I have never seen a metroidvania like this on mobiles.

    2. Since this gamekit is modeled after Metroid, there are only ranged attacks. I am open to adding new things if there is enough demand for them though.

  • Yeah it does this with a number of currencies. Would be nice to have a tag for all currencies in addition to the symbol.

  • It's out! Check out the store page HERE

    Kyatric Can you please move this to completed creations? Thanks.

  • Now available at the Scirra Store!

    Metroidvania Game Kit is a comprehensive "full game" template for creating action/platformer games, particularly in the metroidvania subgenre.


    • Familiar Player Character with 4-way aiming
    • Items/Upgrades & Collection Sequence + Message Box
    • Unique Enemies & Destructibles
    • Room Transitions & Alignments + Dynamic Object Loading
    • Minimap System (In HUD & Subscreen)
    • HUD + Energy Tanks & Missile Counter
    • Subscreen + Item Tabs & Large Map View
    • Save Points & Save Data Management
    • Window Scaling / Positioning
    • Visual FX
    • Title Screen + Menu
    • Hot Lava (ouch!)


    • Developed by C2 veterans
    • Fully commented events
    • Clean & organized project structure
    • No 3rd party addons
  • It makes the editor architecture simple. If the editor dealt with spritesheets and you edited a single image to be bigger, it could cause a cascade of spritesheet repacking, which affects many images instead of just the one you edited.

    Ah. I was just thinking of fixed-grid spritesheets like Pyxel Edit uses. If that's not the case, I assume C3 will take an approach similar to Unity's sprite atlases..? Will be interesting.

  • For the record, you can also do this with the overlay shader without force own texture. It's a little different though. More suitable for lighting effects and such.

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