Tokinsom's Recent Forum Activity

  • Ashley can you please add slope detection/movements to the 8-direction behavior? This is a common feature in top-down games such as Zelda, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, and many others.

    I have a purely event-based behavior that includes this feature (see below) but it's very difficult to work with overall...especially with AI and interaction with other objects, so ideally this would just be built into the 8-direction behavior.

  • Looks like you've got it all covered as far as I'm concerned. I was thinking of a ratings system to call out busted / unsupported plugins but I suppose the comments will accomplish that.

  • This will be very useful. I'm just annoyed that Scirra/C2 has gone the way of Clickteam/Fusion in regard to plugins and such. This should've been made 4 years ago

  • If you need to save all those variables, then dictionary. Else, use an invisible object. I used to think C2 needed a new feature for vars like this, but I dunno..just using objects might be the best because all the other things you can do with them to save or manage those variables across the whole project.

  • One of the best RPG's ever, in my opinion. Also funny that Square made a better Mario game than Nintendo ever did

    Seems the only real fix is having no default gamepad configuration. Instead, have the player set a default configuration when a gamepad is detected or whatever. S'what I'm doing for my games, at least :T

  • New preview video of Stain's Stage, with music by our new composer DDRKirby!

  • Renfd Well, frankly, that's what reviews are for. I encourage you to read Kamizoto's comments in the last page or wait until there are more reviews; it's been on the store for under a month and can be a bit complex for some users so it'll take some time. Aside from that, all I can tell you is I've been developing games, prototypes, and tools in Clickteam and Scirra software for over 8 years. I wouldn't put something on the market if it wasn't a solid product through and through.

    I have my reasons for not releasing a demo. Another one, if I really must explain myself, is to prevent asset theft, something I've the unfortunate experience of dealing with in the past. It's not exactly rocket science with browser games. People have even gone so far as to rip and doctor assets from my youtube videos!

  • Sorry guys, I don't do demos for many reasons. In this case, well, it's a gamekit. The gameplay isn't necessarily where it shines, rather the systems behind it. I've seen bad reviews on template demos because they "weren't fun" or whatever...and that's not fair. The purpose of them isn't to be fun, it's to teach. I put together the trailer and feature lists so you have a very good idea of what this gamekit consists of. There's even a screenshot of the whole project structure in-editor.

    I'm sure there will be more reviews in the future. So far I've mostly been getting PM's and emails. So, if you're reading this, I greatly appreciate the feedback, but please leave your reviews on the scirra store instead!

  • Tagging Ashley because he probably knows the most about this but if you have experience with C2's gamepad object I'd appreciate any input (pun intended).

    So...I've set up configurable controls for both keyboard and gamepad, using keycodes and such. Pretty cool. It's all saved to a dictionary and I even consolidated keyboard/gamepad inputs to prevent input condition conflicts in a given event.

    Anyway, problem am I supposed to set the default configuration when all gamepads use different key codes? I thought all controllers modeled after the xbox 360 one used the same keycodes, but apparently that's not the case. I've read they change with OS, too.

    I've been using this for reference...but it's incorrect for all of my gamepads.

    And I also found this from microsoft but it's using

    I found this while looking through the gamepad.runtime file

    	// How to write a mapping:
    	// Construct 2 normalises all controller states to the format used by the XBox 360 controller
    	// on Chrome/Windows.  Everything is mapped to a single 20-element array in the format:
    	// 0: A								10: Left analog button
    	// 1: B								11: Right analog button
    	// 2: X								12: D-pad up
    	// 3: Y								13: D-pad down
    	// 4: Left shoulder button			14: D-pad left
    	// 5: Right shoulder button			15: D-pad right
    	// 6: Left shoulder trigger			16: Left analog X axis
    	// 7: Right shoulder trigger		17: Left analog Y axis
    	// 8: Back							18: Right analog X axis
    	// 9: Start							19: Right analog Y axis
    	// Since different controllers return buttons and axes in a different order on different
    	// browsers and OSs, all combinations need to be mapped to the above 20-element array,
    	// called the 'c2state'.
    	// The buttons mapping array translates a raw button input to the c2state, and the axis
    	// mapping array translates a raw axis input to the range 0, 1, 2 or 3 (automatically offset
    	// by 16 to fit in to the c2state).  However, sometimes an axis is mapped to a pair of buttons,
    	// e.g. for the D-pad coming up as an axis.  In this case the mapping is another array
    	// of the buttons to map the axis to; the first element for the button when axis negative,
    	// and the second element for the button when the axis positive.  e.g. XBox 360 on Firefox/Windows
    	// has axis 5 mapped to D-pad left and right; the entry is [14, 15] to map negative (left) to
    	// c2state 14 (D-pad left), and positive (right) to c2state 15 (D-pad right).
    	// If no mapping exists for an OS/browser/controller configuration, it defaults to assuming it's
    	// the same as Windows/Chrome/XBox 360, done by the defaultMap function.[/code:2kai9r9d]
    Do I need to do something similar? So confused -w-;
    For the record I'm only using NWjs. Controllers tested are MadCatz 360 Controller, Logitech 360 controller, WiiU pro controller. I also have a PS2 controller but I haven't tested it yet. IIRC C2 didn't even recognize it when I tried long ago.
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  • R0J0hound Sure did! Thanks man.

  • Hey I'm getting an error/crash if I paste an object that has the "Brightness" shader on it. I tested it with a few others like "Tint" and I got the same thing.

    Any idea what that's about? :T

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