CrudeMik's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey, just thought I'd share something I quickly knocked up for my site. It's a game embedded into some ad space on my homepage

  • I love this plugin so much, really would like it on Construct 2! heheh

  • Could one use this on a moving target, such as a ball? So that a sprite can always try to reach its target even if it is moving and its obstacles are dynamically spawning / destroying within the layout?

  • Brilliant, yeah fantastic, the turn acceleration works really well. Thanks!

  • The Zombie prototype has a very good idea in there!

  • My brain is breaking, this is quite hard to explain. Here's what I'm trying to do:

    I have 4 players, I have keyboard inputs for two players and xbox controller inputs for the other two. Alternatively all 4 players can use 4 different xbox controllers.

    All my player movements are done with variables; so "when left key is down" - "set 'turn left' to true" - "when left key is not down" - "set 'turn left' to false".

    I am really struggling trying to cater for any combination of player control methods, so for example, player 1 can use the Keyboard and Player 2 can use the xbox controller.

    If the players only have 1 xbox controller, that means that player 2 will need to use Controller index '0'. What I've done is say 'If player 1 control method = keys and player 2 = controller' - 'use controller 0' - I then write all the controls for this combination.

    With 4 players though, say if player 1 and 2 use keyboard and player 3 and 4 use controllers, that means that players 3 and 4 need to use controller index 0 and 1. So that would mean I'd need to write out all that code for that eventuality too.

    So what do I do? Do I write code for every possible combination or is there a more efficient way of doing it?

  • Ah excellent, I keep forgetting about dt, I don't fully understand it yet - I will learn.

    I'm still doing things like "every 0.2 seconds" "spawn bullet" and stuff like that. Not good.

    The 'clamp' variable function is new to me too, but that makes sense.


  • With r100 coming out soon how are opinions changing?

    I went off Classic for a good while after experiencing some really annoying bugs with the bone animator tool. I have followed Construct 2s development closely and for the last few months I've been using it as a prototyping tool as I love the programming side of Construct above everything else, it just makes sense to me.

    Recently though, I've started to make a 'real' game with it, I think it's pretty much there and capable of handling my ambition with the exception of having an (easy) way to save a game and also the audio functionality is too basic.

    With r100 coming up though, .exe exporting interests me because that means so long as the player has a PC the game is assured to work, unlike with browser which can give varying results. WebGL too, that brings the visual capabilities on-part with Classic does it not? Or not? I don't know.

  • Hi,

    I have currently, "when left arrow is down" - "set 'turn left' to true" - "turn left = true" - "rotate 'sprite' 1.5 degrees counter clockwise"

    This is great for turn accuracy, but I want it so that, the longer the player holds down 'left' the faster the sprite spins. I want a turning acceleration, so that way I maintain the accuracy of a low rotation meter but also gain the speed off a faster one.

    Can anyone help with this?



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  • That's great

  • Interesting, I did not know about the distance function. Thanks!

  • I've never attempted to do any AI behaviour before, I have a 2 player game which is a little bit like football but with two opposing spaceships. I'm thinking of attempting a single player version of this but I don't really know where to start.

    Can anyone point me in the direction of where I can learn any of this stuff. I think I need an AI that can navigate the level (avoiding obstacles), and also attacking the ball when it's free, defending the goal when it is being attacked, plus picking up and using power-ups.

    I could work out how to tell something to go to pick up the ball and defend but it's just the navigation I don't know, would you set up a series of waypoint paths for the AI to travel across around the level?

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