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  • Hi all, a few months ago I made a two player game for the Pirate Kart game jam. I've had a lot of fun with it so I've decided to remake it into a 'real' game.

    I'm working with an artist at the moment to sort out the graphics but mechanically the game is almost there.

    If you've got a mate near you and want to give it a go I would love some feedback on it!

    You can play it here:

    Controls work for either Xbox or keyboard, two people can share one keyboard.


    <img src="" border="0">

  • I would love to have the old bone animator back, it was ace (though quite buggy)

  • That is awesome! And yes I'm a dolt I didn't see this in the FAQ.

    Your version is the best way I think though, works a treat!

  • The problem is when I make the window size smaller, it's cropping the massive layouts I made :( - I'm sure Awesonium will improve full-screen performance though, FS in Chrome is still very quick.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I am designing a two player game and I want a camera which tracks both players. I want the camera to zoom in & track their position when the players are close and I want the camera to zoom out when the players separate apart.

    Any ideas on how to achieve this?


  • Cheers, yeah it'll take a lot of tweaking to get it looking better, I'm thinking of fading out the drops that are separate from the group to eliminate single drops rolling too much like balls.

  • Hey I made a super, dooper basic 2D liquid simulation in construct just using balls, the toon shader, tint and the 'water' warping effect.

    It still looks like balls when the water is thin but as a group it's okay.

    FPS is on the top right, ball count top left, I get 60fps with 250 objects on screen, running in Chrome

  • Similar to this, I'd like to know how to re-scale the window.

    I've been making a game in 2056 x 1440 and using fullscreen scale mode for browsers, but export to .exe locks the window at that massive size.

  • It's just a little thing really I might play around with it a little, but I'd rather just make a bunch of little mini-games like this and hide them throughout the site

  • I remember in Construct Classic I used a fantastic shader effect which would detect the edge of sprites in a layer and 'ignore' the fill of everything, it gave me this quite cool effect:

    I'm wondering if it's possible to reproduce this effect with C2's new WebGL effects?

    Also there was that Blobber, liquid 2D simulation effect made in CC which I used and worked fantastically. That also had a shader processing effect to blend the blobs of liquid together, I forget what the process was though...

  • Cheers, I love Construct - had the idea for it and within an hour it was up! Brilliant!

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