Toya Aponesto's Recent Forum Activity

  • Yeah, a top down shoot would be nice. I recently downloaded Counter Strike 2D again, and it was a lot of fun with my friends and the game was very cute. I'd probably do something like that again but with some additions.

  • LOL. Nah, that would be EBIL! I would think shooooooter!

  • Well, I have been working on Construct for a while and stopped due to work on a "Call Center". Yeah... a call center... Anyway , I'm thinking of doing something on Construct when I get some free time.

    So I have searched the net and found out that I DONT KNOW what to work on Construct LOL. So what new game concepts do you know? Anything that can be NEW to the game world or anything UNIQUE. Share it! Maybe with all your ideas I could think of my own game concepts.

  • I see. thanks. That small question had me puzzled why my game was sometimes slow.

  • Just a small question. Does enlarging an image in Construct increase VRAM usage? Or does it use the same VRAM as it uses when it is in its normal size?

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  • I don't get any errors at my end although I haven't really tested everything. Just a quick question. About the save file plugin or object on System, has that been fully working now? I mean, does that save every variable that you have in your game?

  • Hmm Consoles dont get much vote. I guess its because we all know that consoles evolve from time to time. Which means, developers might not support the PS2/3, Xbox or any other consoles they have in the future which is due to having a new better one being sold in the market.

    Besides, if its commercial we're talking about, if you take a look at the "black market", there are a lot of downloadable consoles games there. So this could happen to us too.

    But for me, I'd go for the web browser or the phone. Phones are cute .

  • This is what I'd want to see:

    1. Better and more flexible save file feature.

    I mean, I find the current save file feature to be buggy. I haven't really tested it in 0.92 though.

  • 2nd POST!! Anyway I see a new one is here! Great!

  • All I can say is that your events are too messy. I got kinda lazy reading it lol. Anyway, I did something similar before but I guess I lost it or something. Its great that it worked, but if that's going to be your code for every dialog to be be done in your game, then that event sheet's going to be really long.

    All I can suggest is find a way to make one event sheet that will cater every dialog in your game. Just call that event sheet whenever a dialog scene will take place and then let it loop until that dialog scene is over.

    I'll be doing one probably in an rpg game I'm working on, but I'm still busy with other stuff.

  • wow! I'm going to try this out. Construct pretty much saved us during our Thesis. Now I have graduated as a Computer Science dude

  • From looking around Construct's application creator, I see that it could print stuff from a textfile. But could it generate reports and then print it? Like if I enter some text in few textboxes, and then click on a "generate report" button, it would transfer all those text in their designated places in a text file or even in MSWord and then print it.

    Would this be possible now?

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Toya Aponesto

Member since 12 Oct, 2009

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