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  • I was thinking, since I don't clearly know how to do this (or is it even possible) to transfer an object or most likely an NPC upon stepping on another object twould teleport that NPC to another layout or map much like how the player would be teleported also.

    Is it possible? If so, how?

    Another is that, can the NPC retain all its modified stuff? Lets say this NPC got a power up or something and a new sprite for it will be displayed, will it still be retained upon going to another layout?

    Why I ask? Well, from my previous post somewhere, I said something about making an RPG using Construct so I guess that would fill you guys in on my topic.

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  • I see, well I guess those codes did some magic in it. Although the sprite still "kinda" rotates a little before going to the spot where I clicked my mouse. So how do I fix that? BTW, in the .cap that I uploaded, I've only imported some sample sprites with different angles just for testing. So yeah.

    I'm gonna check the ghost shooter (again). Maybe I forgot some stuff to look there. Thanks again for the help guys. The truth is, me and my pals are gonna use Construct for our "Agent - Based AI through RPG" thesis. Thats why I need to cover most or all of the basics before December.

  • So I was trying to mimic the ragnarok online game movement system, pretty much similar to Diablo and etc. I just can't seem to find how to change the sprite animation whenever the player's collision box moves in a 45/90/135/etc... or so movement.

    Right now, its stuck in a 45 degree movement even if the character is walking backwards and stuff. You can even do the moon walk with it woot! Still, I tried searching here, and found something about the preference section or something about it. Problem is, I cant find it in the Layout editor.

    So here's my .cap thing:

    Thanks in advance guys!

    BTW, can Construct do AI stuff? I mean advance AI stuff?

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Toya Aponesto

Member since 12 Oct, 2009

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