Toya Aponesto's Recent Forum Activity

  • How do you make a simple number increase/decrease effect like Yugioh's LifePoint thingy?

    Like from a 4000 LP, it will show up random numbers in a decreasing fashion until it ends up with 0.

  • Alright, so I have an objectA that would do random stuff like go here, go there, change animation angle randomly etc. I also have another objectB which aims to mimic that objectA. I practically am able to make objectB mimic objectA at most parts except for its animation angle.

    I can't find an event that checks what animation angle objectA is playing. I tried the "Compare angle" but it doesnt seem to work. I'm trying to make objectB mimic objectA in a way that if the animation angle of objectA is 90 degrees, objectB will also change to having a 90 degrees animation angle.

    FYI, they both have the same animation names and animation angles, they just differ in the images of each angles/animation.

  • I see. I'll try that thanks.

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  • Hmm, well I'm using the RTS behavior. I need this because I have a part in my game where objects will spawn or get teleported on 1 square floor tiled background object and from that, they would move around and scatter and once they're not stepping on that square floor anymore, the become solid.

  • I can't seem to find a way for a solid object to become non solid using an event. Is there a way for objects having a "solid" attribute to become "not solid" if a requirement is met? Like a variable or something.

    Like if FloorA is overlapped, ObjectA becomes not solid. Something like that. Is that possible?

  • I seem to get an "no 'rts' behavior found" error.

    The code in which I see is the source of this error is this kind:

    NPC.MovAngle Equal to 180

    --> Set NPC angle to 180

    Wherein "NPC" is a family name and not a specific object name. I'm trying to use family names so that I would not need to make each code for each object inside the same family.

    In English, it would be "If an object inside the family "NPC" is moving at 180 degrees, change that object's animation angle to 180 degrees."

    Is Construct unable to do this at this time?

  • Could someone teach me how to make a fake editbox? And another thing, is there another way of inputting text besides the editbox?

  • How would I make a simple transition that makes the screen fade to black for a few while and then fades in again within a layout?

    I would be using this in a way to remove objects in front of the player without him saying "WTF?! objects suddenly dissappeared like bugs bunny!". So what I would like to do is fade the screen to black for a while and in that time duration, the game would destroy some objects, then fade in again, and so on. HEYLP! Whats up doc?

  • I have an edit box see, and I can't get it to be below an object that I made as a cursor in my game. I tried putting it to the lowest layer and poof, nothing happens. HEYYLLPPA!

  • Yeah, I know VB could do it just fine. But I wanna take advantage of the "graphical" thingies construct can do that VB can't. I'd like to make a simple Database System that looks more like those HI TECH systems we see on movies.

    Basically, it would look more like a game, not a program, but... it really is a program.

  • At Construct's current version, is it possible to create a simple DataBase Program? DB Program as in just storing/adding entries or values like err Employee names, numbers, age, etc, together with an image? I have not taken a look at any Construct Application wiki, I would like to read first hand what you guys think.

  • Hmm I'll try that I guess. Thanks.

Toya Aponesto's avatar

Toya Aponesto

Member since 12 Oct, 2009

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