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  • Well its nothing special. The main question is how to let the 2 objects evade each other but still go to their designated destination.


    [WayPointA] [ObjectB] -----------> (X_X) <------------------[ObjectA] [WayPointB]

    Here, two of those objects will bump to each other and will.... unendingly bump to each other cuz both of them is blocking one another.

  • So like objectA would be going to waypointA and objectB would be going to waypointB. The problem is that they will be bumping each other because waypoint A and B are in a straight line. So how would I make it that both objects would like evade each other in some way that they wont literally bump into each other?

  • So its still a candidate for a new stable build? Does that mean I still can't use it to its current full potential or something?

    By the way, I don't know if its a real issue, but I have been experiencing a "an argument was" error or was that "an invalid argument was" error. Well don't know what argument it was but thats all it was saying in the error box which led to the unexpected closing of Construct.

  • Yeah I guess, but I'm just asking opinions cuz I might do something unresourceful again. So yeah.

    About the rts behavior, I'm still using it.

    Like if an object needs to go to waypoint C, it needs to go to waypoint A and B first.


    If waypointA is overlapped, then go to waypointB

    If waypointB is overlapped, then go to waypointC.

    This would give them a little accuracy on where to go. Cuz if I just let go directly to waypointC, it might go on a different route everytime it needs to go there.

  • Hmm I'm a bit confused though. I was thinking, would it be an alternative if I make invisible dots in a layout and name them with something like "pointA". and use those dots rather than waypoints?

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  • Can't seem to get this to work. I'm trying to make an object go to a certain spot on the map but first it goes to several other parts. I tried:

    If [condition],then go to waypointA

    -->on arrived at a waypoint, then go to waypointB

    --->on arrived at a waypoint, then go to waypointC


    But what happens is that it seems to circle around waypointA only which means, it not going pass the other 2 sub events.

  • Uhh yeah, I forgot to read that part lolz! Thanks anyway.

  • I tried the first one and I noticed that in the duration that the hour is 12, PM and AM keeps exchanging each other. I think that while the global variable hour is 12, my event with the else condition is looped until hour becomes 1.

    The event is checked every tick right? Then there could be like a number of ticks while hour is equal to 12, therefore they keep exchanging each other.

    EDIT: Ok, I got it working, I just needed to a counter to be added in the "If hour is 12" condition. Basically, I made it like this:

    If Hour = 12 and PMAM = 0 then PMAM =1 and do the exchanging of PM into AM and vice versa.

    Then another event goes like: If Hour = 1 then PMAM = 0.

    Thanks for the Else tip!!

  • I'm making a simple 12 hour clock system where it shows only numbers instead of using an image of a clock. I've set up the minute to be 5000 millisecond per minute so that its faster than the real minute.

    Well basically it works, except for one thing, I can't seem to make the AM-PM textbox change from AM to PM and PM to AM.

    My current code is:

    If global variable "Hour" = 12 and textbox = "AM"

    then textbox = "PM"

    If global variable "Hour" = 12 and textbox = "PM"

    then textbox = "AM"

    Something like that. It works only once, like from AM it goes to PM, but it doesnt work after that. What could be wrong?

  • Well, even if we did steal those graphics, we wont be selling this game at any rate so I think it would be ok. Thanks for the harsh yet good comments and replies guys. I think this could pretty much improve me at some point.

    Another question though, in using textboxes, is it possible to trigger an event with the use of a textbox? I mean a specific word, it doesnt need to be the only word typed in that textbox, as long as that word is found in that textbox.

    Ex. An event needs the word "heart" in textbox A. The player types "asjdjheartjdjd" or "dajglj heart jdkasj" in that textbox and that event will still be triggered.

  • Yeah, I'm pretty familiar with how RMXP works. I should use tilesets, but my team has err chosen to have Breath of Fire 4 as our tilesets, which we only get by print screening game plays . It will be a bother to redo everything in that map though, So i guess I'll just remove the large objects of the towns and replace it with a new one which will be smaller objects.

    About the travelling thing, my rpg will most likely be like Harvest Moon where the whole game only focuses on 1 town. So probably 3 to 4 maps in 1 layout shouldnt be bad, but if it would, then we'll do what you said.

    BTW, how do I do the shading part in our map? The one at every side, where it would fade to black. Can construct do that?

  • Hmm I guess that could work now. I'll just use 1 npc for now. Anyway, how do I set the value of a textbox equal to a global variable?

    Is the mibbit chat thing broken? I cant seem to connect right now. Even with the AJAX.

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Toya Aponesto

Member since 12 Oct, 2009

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