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  • Score is how I see lagging while playing it, lower is better.

    Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 SM-T110 - Android 4.4.2

    cw07 | canvas 2d | min 40 fps | max 46 fps | avg 42 fps | score 1 | good

    cw10 | canvas 2d | min 30 fps | max 42 fps | avg 36 fps | score 2 | lags, jumps

    cw11 | canvas 2d | min 29 fps | max 34 fps | avg 31 fps | score 3 | lags, jumps

    cw12 | canvas 2d | min 24 fps | max 28 fps| avg 25 fps | score 4 | lags, jumps

    blacklist OFF

    cw10 | web GL | min 31 fps | max 40 fps | avg 35 fps | score 3 | lags, jumps

    cw11 | web GL | min 32 fps | max 35 fps | avg 33 fps | score 2 | lags, jumps

    cw12 | web GL | min 31 fps | max 37 fps | avg 34 fps | score 1 | lags, jumps

    GIGABYTE GSmart Guru G1 - Android 4.2.1

    cw07 | canvas 2d | min 38 fps | max 41 fps | avg 39 fps | score 3 | lags, jumps

    cw10 | canvas 2d | min 44 fps | max 46 fps | avg 45 fps | score 2 | ok, little lags&jumps

    cw11 | canvas 2d | min 44 fps | max 46 fps | avg 44 fps | score 1 | good, little lags&jumps

    cw12 | canvas 2d | min 29 fps | max 32 fps | avg 30 fps | score 4 | lags, jumps

    blacklist OFF

    cw10 | web GL | min 34 fps | max 37 fps | avg 35 fps | score 0 | unplayable

    cw11 | web GL | min 34 fps | max 38 fps | avg 35 fps | score 0 | unplayable

    cw12 | web GL | min 36 fps | max 39 fps | avg 37 fps | score 0 | unplayable

    Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III - Android 4.3

    On this device for the first time the cw7 lost to newer cw versions, but only by couple fps. Interesting is, that when using cw7, the mode switched to canavas 2d. In cw10+ it was webGL.

    Results are:

    cw7 = avg fps 57

    cw10+ = avg fps 59

    all versions - smooth, very good

    Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 SM-T320 - Android 4.4

    All versions in webGL mode and average fps 60. Again, only cw7 losing couple fps, but this time in webGL mode.

    all versions - smooth, very good

  • imaffett

    I've made a game just for testing, it's a modified C2 templete originally made by Tom. I hope for more people to join and get better measurements so if you want to help with testing, here's how (for all who have already downloaded crosswalk shell, you can skip to the game's link in the list item #3):

    • Download crosswalk shells and install on your device
    • After you run one of the shells, insert the link below into the text box
    • Test game link -
    • The game will run for 20 seconds, after that it will show the renderer used and minimal/maximal/average fps
    • Post your results here. Done, thank you


    If the game runs in canvas 2d, you can try and download cw shells with webGL mode forced on and compare the results. In my experience it's not worth it, there's always been fps drop off when using it.


    Test game capx.

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  • ...completely unacceptable motion quality, as if every other frame were being missed about half of the time.

    Yes, same what I've seen in all my tests (except Samsung Galaxy S3).

    Another test, now with blacklisting off.

    Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 SM-T110 - Android 4.4.2

    • cw10 | 22-37 fps | webGL | huge spikes, unplayable
    • cw11 | 16-35 fps | webGL | huge spikes, unplayable
    • cw12 | 16-33 fps | webGL | huge spikes, unplayable

    GIGABYTE GSmart Guru G1 - Android 4.2.1

    • cw10 | 18-26 fps | webGL | backgrounds and objects with bullet behavior jumps, unplayable
    • cw11 | 17-25 fps | webGL | backgrounds and objects with bullet behavior jumps, unplayable
    • cw12 | 24-25 fps | webGL | steady fps, bearly playable

    Samsung Galaxy Tab 3

    With webGL being ON the performance is worse. Fps oscillates between lows and highs and creates huge spikes. The overall image quality is better though. Sprite fonts doesn't look pixelated anymore and everything looks more clean, no jagged edges. Maybe that's what creates the spikes, it has to do "more work".

    GSmart Guru G1

    Same as with Samsung Tab3. Background and all objects with bullet behavior jump (the game is infinite flyer with parallax background). Like TiAm wrote, seems like it's skipping some frames. Interesting is the last test with cw12, it was almost playable. The fps was steady 24-25 so it looked better. There was lagging, but the lagging was consistent and if maybe fps was 30+, it'd be playable.

  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 SM-T110 - Android 4.4.2

    • cw07 | 25-36 fps | canvas 2d | laggy but playable
    • cw10 | 28-38 fps | canvas 2d | laggy but playable
    • cw11 | 19-36 fps | canvas 2d | too laggy
    • cw12 | 15-25 fps | canvas 2d | too laggy

    GIGABYTE GSmart Guru G1 - Android 4.2.1

    • cw07 | 33-36 fps | canvas 2d | fps looks ok, but barely playable
    • cw10 | 29-30 fps | canvas 2d | steady but low fps, barely playable
    • cw11 | 29-30 fps | canvas 2d | steady but low fps, barely playable
    • cw12 | 20-22 fps | canvas 2d | unplayable

    Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III - Android 4.3

    • cw07 | 49-57 fps | canvas 2d | only little lags, good
    • cw10 | 59-60 fps | webGL | smooth, very good
    • cw11 | 59-60 fps | webGL | smooth, very good
    • cw12 | 59-60 fps | webGL | smooth, very good

    From my tests it looks like lower cw versions behave better in canvas 2d mode. GSmart G1 is the most powerful from all 3 devices, but I think it's blacklisted by Google and forced to use canvas 2d and there cw7 somehow performs little bit better than newer versions (not much tbh, but it was noticable).

    On Samsung i9300, that's where webGL kicks in and the new cw versions shine.

    My result is:

    Low end or blacklisted device with canvas 2d = cw7 >= cw10 > cw11 & cw12

    Device which uses webGL = use newest crosswalk version

  • I'm using cranberry PhonegapIAP plugin and there is an error while testing IAP which makes me mad.

    I'm signed in, because there is also leaderboard+achievements and they work just fine. Here's my setup:

    • I have filled in "Android application license key" in the plugin properties in C2.
    • The game is published in Alpha version in the Google app store.
    • Created Google Group and shared opt-in link with my tester account (diffrent from my dev acc)
    • Installed the game from the store and signed in with my test acc.

    I've tried so far:

    • Create another test account.
    • Install it on another device.
    • Clean cached data from the Google Store app and restart the device.
    • Reset the device to factory setting and make clean install.

    The error is still there, I'm desperate. Can someone help me?

  • It should work when using static responses, but it doesn't work for me. I got auth error which I've been usuccessfuly trying to fix for last 2 days. I'll make a separete topic about it.


    I wrote this post. It's about testing real transactions, but I got the same error when I tried testing static responses.

  • In the Event sheet 2, in the event #5 "On start of layout", change all

    "LayoutWidth" => "ViewportRight(0)"

  • And can you do it only using the in-product purchase service from google play? Could you explain me a bit more about it? Thanks, Noga.

    Do you mean without the plugin? I don't know how to do that and there's no point when the plugin work's without a problem.

    When using the plugin there is an event "PhonegapIAP: Has product", which checks if the user has already made the purchase.

    I haven't tried it yet, but next week I'll be implementing it to my game and I might give you better answer than. Check out this q&a if you're having a problem with it.

  • Hi, gj on finishing the game. I've tried 2 levels so far and it's a nice game.

  • In my opinion It's highly recommended that you have a dedicated server to store the save games, since players are spending money on your app, you don't want them to lose what they paid for, if they uninstall your app for whatever reason and then come back. Actually, it's quite serious. I don't even know the potential of legal issues about this.

    You can request the player's purchase history from Google, Apple, Windows Store. You don't need to keep track of it, unless you want to distribute the game by yourself and in that case you need to implement your own IAP system and have your own server.

  • Great game. I'm at mission 10, it feels repetive, but it still plays nice and I think I'll be coming back to it in next couple days.

  • Like it. There are some nice little details. How long it took you to finish it?

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Member since 5 Jul, 2009

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