EnglishAcorn's Recent Forum Activity

  • sqiddster; thank you for your reply, if you have any more feedback or suggestions I'd by happy to hear them.

    On a side note, perhaps I should raise the point that while the online magazine will no-doubt help centralise certain elements of Construct 2 (News, Information, Tutorials, Plugins etc..), thus, making them more easily accessible. I am weary in not wanting to 'tread on the toes' of the main Scirra site by poaching and diverting web traffic by duplicating news updates or content.

    Velojet; thank you for your reply. I agree with your comments about WordPress. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> I've found it to be a very versatile platform. And what's more, very user friendly (compared with other CMS's). Which will be very handy, if things go well with the site, for the inclusion of other's contributions to the ezine.

    As for my own business plan/model for this, I have considered a variety of solution to use (Bearing in mind, I hope to put in place a system so as to allow for the compensation of individuals wishing to contribute to the site; more than just expose and reference), such as:




    -Premium Content

    -Monthly Ebook Magazine




    Please ask if you'll like me to explain these [and how they relate to the site] in a little bit more detail.

    Aenopix and Joannesalfa; thank you very much for your compliments.

    If anyone has any question, suggestions or general feedback I am all ears; just excuse the wax. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Although I've heard cats like the taste of ear-wax.... strange...

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  • Update (22/10/2012):

    Firstly, it's late here. I apologies for the many typos I will make.

    Good news, I now have the general layout of the ezine (See http://www.englishacorn.com/ezine/construct2/). But still need to upload its content (using fillers for the moment), and integrate with social networking devices/sites.... etc...

    I've decided to move the site's domain location with the future plan of moving the magazine (assuming it goes well) to its own domain in the future. And also have it less integrated with my main website.

    More to come this week.

    Would appreciate feedback concerning the layout of the site (Not the images as they are temporary, nor the social media links as I will change those such as the youtube video). I've used a template in the end to save trouble.

    All the best,


  • AnD4D, thank you for your reply.

    The method I used, uses paid third party software based on the WordPress 3.0 CMS. It's nothing spectacular, however I found it very simple (easy of use) and practical. See MyArcadePluginPro

    I'm willing to share my experience with using it, or explain what I have found to be it's advantages and limitations so far.

    As for embedding games from the Scirra Arcade, it (the software) already comes pre-configured to do so. And only requires a simple click on fetch and publish.

    Concerning the advert you mention. I'm assuming its the C2 one, such as with this game: englishacorn.com/play/ghost-shooter-demo And not the other advertisements on my site.

    Unfortunately, there isn't an easy way to remove that advert. Unlike flash games, when you embed the HTML5 games, you're not hosting the actual game content. Instead providing a portal to that content hosted elsewhere. Since webhosting costs money, I see the C2 advert as a way of compensating Scirra for the use of their bandwidth & webspace etc...

    The only way to remove the advert without negotiating with Scirra would be to approach the game developer and ask permission to use [and host] their game instead. Which they may or may not want financial compensation for, since you are increasing the exposure to their game.

    I'm sure the Scirra Team will be happy to negotiate other alternatives, maybe placing a static C2 web advert above, beside or below the game instead.. etc...

    Hope that helps, let me know if you have any other questions.

    Kind regards,


  • felixsg, thank you. I hope to write up a more in-depth update about it this weekend.

  • Thank you all for your response and feedback. I've already started to create the basic layout and plan for it. And hope to get the vision, values and mission statement completed by the end of the weekend. To solidify it's direction.

    glerikud, thank you.

    Ashley, that's good. I was worried I may be stepping on toes with it.

    vandinz, thanks for checking out the website. Although the 'Free-Capx' part was taken from a different project which had slowed down due to hardware issues. I'm planning to continue to upload a few each week.

    teahousemoon, thank you. I'll keep you updated. Depending on how things go, I may be in touch screaming 'Help!'.

    Will be back with some updates shortly.

  • Cheers Tom,

    You've also inadvertently answered a question I was going to ask, concerning permission to include the Scirra Arcade games. Since the arcade software I use has been pre-configured to fetch the games.

  • Your own Arcade? - Do you want to know how?

    Despite being away from, loosing my momentum and fighting with my computer hardware. I've recently returned. Not so much in triumph, but more in a general sense I suppose. Like leaves in autumn.

    Unfortunately my lack of poetic talent fails to convey my message. So I will ask plainly, would anybody be interested in knowing how to set up their own online arcade?

    An example of my arcade can be found here: (http://www.englishacorn.com/play).

    I've noticed others mentioning setting up their own online arcade. And the method and software I've used made the whole process very simply. So I thought I would perhaps share my experience or maybe produce a tutorial to allows others to follow.

    There are many reasons to start your own online arcade, whether as a hobby, financial or traffic. As for myself, it was it increase my SEO footprint, and direct more traffic to other products I'll later advertise on the site. Rather than for it to be the 'new-Kongregate', due to the competition of such ventures.

    If you're interested, let me know. Since I'm hoping to write an article about such a thing.

    Thank you for your time,


    <font size="2">Owner of English Acorn (http://www.englishacorn.com)</font>

  • An unofficial Construct 2 Ezine

    An idea I've had for a while, however, due to the death of my previous two computers. I've been unable to do anything for the last two months or so, even develop such an idea. Until a fortnight ago whereby I bought my current computer.

    While developing my site recently; currently working on the 'Construct 2' section. I've reconsider beginning such an undertaking. Of which I will place here (Click Here)..

    I thought I would be able to use it to develop the Construct 2 aspects I've already worked on and plan to continue or improve (Tutorials, videos, capx files). But also providing a small means of compensation for the time and commitment.

    I have not asked Tom or Ashley about it yet, with the chance an ezine may be in their current business plan/model; in which case I would not want to proceed and compete.

    <center><img src="http://englishacorn.com/construct2/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ezine-logo.jpg" border="0">

    <img src="http://englishacorn.com/construct2/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ezine-ad01.jpg" border="0">

    <img src="http://englishacorn.com/construct2/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ezine-ad02.jpg" border="0">

    <img src="http://englishacorn.com/construct2/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ezine-ad03.jpg" border="0">


    I'd love to hear your opinions on this. Or if you have any questions

    All the best, thank you for reading this,


    Owner of English Acorn (http://www.englishacorn.com)

  • Nickydude

    No worries. I was using Google Chrome, WinXP SP3. I'm not quite sure of what causes the bug with the 'OR' conditions, because it does work with some actions, but not with others.

    Glad the temp fix works. All the best,


  • Nickydude

    Here's a [temporary] fix: *.Capx

    I basically put the actions into an inactive group called 'Fire', which when ctrl or LMB are pressed, it activates, runs events before deactivating. Put in a start of layout event also for safe measure.

    The 'Or' function does work for this. But it didn't prior to me changing the events, so I say 'temporary' fix at the moment.

    Hope this helps.


  • I think a misunderstand. I wasn't supporting 'duplicate layer', instead I was suggesting to Gerris an alternative way that he could approach it in the current build. I'm not entirely sure what the layer Gerris suggested would be for.

  • mmarcati

    Have you tired the get Viewport(Top, Bottom, Left, Right). For example:

    ViewportTop = get the Y co-ordinate of the top edge of the layer's viewport

    ViewportLeft = get the X co-ordinate of the top edge of the layer's viewport.

    You then subtract those values off of your objects positional values to give you a co-ordinate for your current viewport (screen).

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