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  • Hey FredQ,

    Thank you for your reply, your confirmation helps to isolate the problem.

    I tried a fresh export again using only the plugin you mentioned (admob) for my game. And although I did get an error prompt on my device this time when a sound was programmed to play, it again closed afterwards.

    Interestingly, when I play an audio action using a file from the music folder, no sound plays but there is no crash. But if it's a file from the sound folder the game exits.

    Thank you again for your time.

    Hey Momo what happens when you try to play audio events? Does your game crash/exit, or is there simply no sound? I think FredQ used the 'play' action and the 'mute' action.

    I'm going to play around with this as I have a few more ideas, I'll let you know if I manage to get it to work and how.

  • Alternatively if anyone is currently able to get Audio to work on their Android device via the Crosswalk Build with Intel XDK v1536 without the game crashing. I would appreciate it if you could let me know as it may help be identify the problem I am experiencing better. Thank you.

  • Hey Ashley, thank you for your reply. I will be reporting the problem to Intel as well; I thought I'd ask to see if anyone else had experienced this and found a solution.

    I had a similar experience when the AdMob Object was officially introduced in a recent patch and the required third party plugin information changed (From the unofficial 'Pro' version of the plugin), after the splash screen the game ended. But this has now been resolved with both updates to C2 and the Intel XDK. So I was optimistically hoping that the answer was me forgetting to select the appropriate plugin.

    The game runs fine in their emulator, which implies the code exported by C2 is fine as you suggest. It only crashes on the device. Their debugging facility doesn't flare up any issue though.

  • Hi,

    Before I post this in the bugs section of the site, I wanted to enquire if anybody else is currently having this problem as traditionally it didn't exist.

    Currently in the latest stable release of Construct 2 (v190) and version 1536 of the Intel XDK, I am unable to get any audio playing within a game.

    My experience is that when I include the Audio object in Construct 2 and export via the Android export option to Intel XDK and build via the Android Crosswalk build. The game will only run if I don't use the preload audio files option (Set within Construct 2), and I don't trigger any Audio object related actions in the game. If I do, the game simply quits on my Android device.

    I am now testing with the audio template .Capx (Example: Audio Effects) to ensure it wasn't an issue with my game in particular. And I have run into the same issue. When the Audio Object actions are triggered such as 'play' the game quits.

    I have tried this with including the various Cordova plugins in the Intel XDK such as 'media', 'audio' even a few others and in different combinations. But I am still unable to get a game to play sound. If I preload the sound files, the game also exits.

    I just wanted to know if anybody else is currently experiencing this. As with older Intel XDK versions and Construct 2 versions, there doesn't seem to be an issue. Even as close back as a month ago, with some people reporting in the forums that they could get the sound work in their Android Crosswalk games..

    Kind regards,


  • A0Nasser DoudouSupreme Thank you for watching the videos and your comments. I will note down your suggestions. Cheers.

  • DuckfaceNinja Thank you for your comment, I'm glad you found the videos useful. Not sure if it's Sticky Material as there are many better quality videos than mine out there. I think a community effort with several other peoples' videos alongside each topic may be more helpful. But as Kyatric suggested, I may also place the links in the correct tutorial section. Kind regards.

    Kyatric Thank you for linking to the relevant part of the website. I was actually unaware that a 'Videos Tutorials' section had been created. I'll place the links/videos there shortly.

  • Hi, I'm Adam from English Acorn (http://www.englishacorn.com) I'm posting to offer the following services as a Freelance Construct 2 Game Developer:

    • Game Design using Construct 2.
    • Construct 2 programming, debugging and problem solving.
    • Artwork and art asset creation.
    • Audio creation and programming.
    • Spriter animation creation.

    **For NDA work, I charge a higher rate

    I haven't gotten round to updating my complete portfolio on my website yet, however you can view some of the games I've worked on in the past from my profile here, or at my YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/englishacorn)

    You can contact me directely using

    Kind regards,


  • If you have any suggestions for any videos, I'd be happy to hear them. Kind regards.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Very nice, I look forward to seeing more.

  • A0Nasser Valerien beardedeagle Thank you very much for your comments and replies.

    I've updated the list and linked to around 10 new videos. I apologies for the late timing of this, I was enjoying the sunny glens of Scotland until recently.

  • Will do. Thank you very much.

  • Hey, I've been meaning to create a series of videos for a while now. Fate it seems has conspired and still does against me making them with technical issues galore. However, I thought I'd just make them and get them out there as they could help someone. They are a little ad-hoc, my plan is to go make and make them a little more professional once I've completed the series.


    Construct 2 - Main Elements

    You can watch the full playlist here.


    Construct 2 -Plugins & Objects

    You can watch the full playlist here.


    If you have any question, please ask.

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