EnglishAcorn's Recent Forum Activity

  • I was unsuccessful in a search to see if anyone else had attempted the same. If anybody is interested. Here's an example of a web-banner I'm working on for my site.

    I've put it on the front page of englishacorn.com

    But alternatively you can link to it directly:


    However, the hyperlinks will only work (Shouldn't ask for pop-up permissions) from the main site frontpage.

    Currently the hyperlinks link to forwarding addresses back to the main site, which was the work around for the web banner being in an iframe.

    Would love to hear your feedback.

  • Thank you everyone for your compliments and feedback. Sorry I've been away for such a long time (Had to priorities studies).

    Anyway, I hope to continue with this project as well as others. Please check out my new website (www.englishacorn.com) for develops, and if you'd like to support me feel free to follow me on twitter etc...

    I'm hoping to create and upload a variety of tutorials to help the community, ideally based around the asthetics of games.

  • Just updated the game again. Unfortuantely impplementing sound gave different results for a hosted came and a locally hosted game, so I've disabled it for the moment.

    I've re-engineered the game dynamics and managed to remove some bugs.

    bologna: As of yet I haven't improved the reloading mechanics, but the weird box hit should be sorted. Also, thank you for you compliment concerning my art. I'm hoping to improve it on certain aspects of the game.

    All the best...

  • Thank you again for your compliments on my artwork and game. I'm still hoping to improve, resize and redraw some elements, especially the background at the start menu(Lack of free time is a cruel mistress). I hope to add new content, sound as mentioned as well as your improvements/suggestions.

    I've noticed a niggly problem with whether you click or hold the LMB while shooting the fruit. Occasionally I would shoot and clearly hit, but the shoot wasn't counted and not 'miss' sprite was created. However, if the click was held, then the action was better registered.

    PixelAmp: I found that I missed a fair few times as well. The hit boxed are elongated over the sprites to increase the chance of hitting. But I think I need to rework the click or hold LMB action. At the moment, once you level up, you get an ample ammunition capacity.

    My plan is to lower the hud, keep the XP bar at the bottom, the points/level part above the leaves. And rotate the axel for the magazine to the left. That should give enough room I think.

    Thank you again to the compliments on the artwork. The tool I used to create it was a software package called "Artrage: Pro", I would also very occasionally use "GIMP 2.6".

    Artrage has a tool called the "Sticker Stamp". Whereby, for the leaves/grass etc... I can draw in grey about 6 different styles of leaf/grass blade. Convert them to a stamp (with a set of them flipped), then spray them with a randomised rotation, hue, saturations etc... level to make it easier to produce larger sceens like the back ground.

    The main sprites and text were simply hand draw with a bamboo tablet within Artrage Pro using layers. They are are bitmap as opposed to vector in creation.

    mrsponkie: I've only dabbled in Inkscape, and so I'm not very familiar with it. It would take me a while to produce the artwork I needed. If I had Illustrator/Flash I may have used them to produce vector artwork incase I needed the same for a future larger project. But I used Artrage instead.

  • Thank you very much for the compliments and criticisms. It still has a lot of work to be done when I have the time.

    Someone elsewhere has mentioned that it looks a little dark, I'm wondering whether that's the difference in monitors as my laptop screens fairly bright.

    ann: Concerning the text what do you mean by bad? I can understand when you say its a little to big in places. That's partly due to my learning curve in keeping to a 640x480 size screen and trying to get other images to a suitable size (which i failed at) to view on some monitors. But I quite like the aesthetics of the style I drew. I can understand the 'oversized' feel of some elements.

    All the best,


  • Thank you very much. Its a little speedy to begin with, until you level up and can carry more ammo.

    I need to alter the health gain, point games etc... For the hits to the Lemons and Pears.

    And really I should aim to get the highscore layout back up... well maybe this weekend.

    I'm aiming with this project to upload to kongregate.com and maybe experiment with the FaceBook Api.

    Thank you again. for your feedback.

  • Fruit Shoot is a simple point and click shooting game featuring a small variety of fruits. The aim of the game is to achieve the highest score, with a level cap at 20.

    Fruit begin to fall from the trees which if missed and destroyed remove some of your life. By clicking on them (shooting) you can destroy them receiving both life and health in return.

    Apples require one shot. Lemons require five shots and give more points and health. While pears require eight shots.

    Hitting ten fruits in a row gives a combo multiplayer.

    You start the game with a magazine of three bullets. By destroying fruit you gaim experience and level up. Each level gives you a greater ammo capacity. Ammunition needs to be reloaded when the magazine is empty.

    The general controls for the above game are:

    LMB - Shoot or select

    RMB - Reload

    P - Pause

    ESC - Exit and restart/reset.



    **Update (09/11/2011):

    -Transition to 'Highscores' scene fixed

    -Swapped logo in initial scene.

    -Fixed hyperlink to game

    **Update (15/11/2011):

    -Reset layout for main area

    -Added in example credits layout

    -Added in controls layout

    -Added in but disabled music and sound

    -Changed came dynamic and game-play

    **Update (06/12/2013):

    -Removed redundant and broken images/links from this post.

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  • Here's the .cap file. I've altered the images slightly for reasons I stated earlier, although they're still recognisable

    .Cap File:


    If you haven't had experience with animations via the skeleton behaviour, then you may be slightly confused. The .cap is simply events triggering the difference animations under certain conditions, and all the animations are under one bone behaviour (within the top left image).

    If you are unsure as to where the animations are kept, click on the top left image on the first layout. The scroll down its properties to 'bonemovement' behaviour, then click on 'edit'. You'll then be taken to the bone animation screen. From here you navigate from the left via the 'animation' drop down menu, and then via the 'frame' drop down menu.

    All the best,


  • Hey, this is pretty cool. I like it.

    Thank You.

    very cool indeed. id suggest making his legs a separate object/bone group tho, so that his body animations can be controlled independently of his running/walking/idling/jumping anims.

    Thank you for your reply. I was planning on initially doing this, but as I was experimenting I forgot to incorporate it.

    Nice, very good demo of the bone movement

    Thank You.

    Could you post the .cap so we can all learn your procedures?!

    I think David? posted a cap showing the bone movement with platform behaviour a while ago.

    If you still want me to post a .cap I can. The only thing I would change to it before I did that would be to slightly alter the images. This is only so that they keep some originality. I'd probably also add some text/guides as to hint at what I did.

    Hahaha nice one

    I love the graphic style, and such an original idea. You nailed the bone animations really well... I like how the character attacks differently depending on if you are walking or standing still.

    Can't wait to see more if you plan on continuing the idea


    Thank You. I'm planning to alter the animations at some stage. At the moment the standing attack looks a bit awkward, due to the brush size.

    Looks cool!

    Thank You.

    I cant wait to see more of this game.

    Thank You. I've almost finished the mechanics of the first level. Just have to finish the images, effects and touching up when I have spare time.

  • Since this is my first post... Hello everyone and thank you to the Developers and Scirra Community for Construct!!

    For the last couple of months I've been playing around with Contruct, I find it easy to use, and more enjoyable to similar software packages that I've used (TGF, MMF2 etc...).

    So far I haven't attempted to complete a game, instead I've mainly focused mainly on figuring out certain elements, or ways of solving certain problems. Until I have a better grasp of the software.

    I felt I'd just upload something, instead of remaining quiet. Here's a little explination:

    I was experiementing with the skeleten behaviour to see how I could use it in a game. And I adopted it into a platform style game. So the upload is quite short, but it shows the tweening ability of Construct to produce the result. All the animation present is skeleton based. And the underlying platform script is from the behaviour menu, and the use of 'Solid' attrbutes.

    The Images I used were from a game idea I had, a little cliche' I guess, where the task of the main character is in painting a 'black and white' world colourful. For example platforms would transform from a square white block with a thick black outline, into a curving colourful display. Allowing me to input my artisitc abilities. However the file I'm uploading is mainly focused on the animation tweenings.


    Arrows - Directions

    LShift - Jump

    A - Charge

    S - Brush the floor

    D - Attack

    Both the Charging and floor brushing happen while moving. However the attack can be performed at any time, including jumping or falling.

    Screen shots:

    <img src="http://adamenglish.co.uk/download/example1.JPG">


    <img src="http://adamenglish.co.uk/download/example2.JPG">


    <img src="http://adamenglish.co.uk/download/example3.JPG">


    <img src="http://adamenglish.co.uk/download/example4.JPG">


    Download File:


    Kind Regards,


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