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  • lucid - I made a collision rectangle in one of my Spriter animations. When I destroy the collision rectangle on overlap, it actually seems to destroy all of my sprites and the spriter object for the character that includes it.

    All the objects are imported into a container for convenience. If you remove them from the container it will make it so they don't automatically destroy other body parts, though the plugin will expect them to exist. The best thing to do would be to disable collisions and visibility, though:

    It also seems that it isn't disabling collisions as I am instructing it too after it overlaps the target sprite.

    This is probably because the plugin is managing visibility and collisions. I will update the plugin at some point to ask it to pause things like this.

    Guys i simple try to import .. and it does impor ok.. but when i run the layou it show no animation at all.

    I already saved with all the options on.. the object is on my layout.

    I have all the on initialized loaded.. but nothing is displayed.

    does anyone know what might be heapening?

    Did you save to 'scon' and 'scml'? If so, please send me the zipped Spriter project folder and I can take a look for you, though I will be away for the weekend, so I probably won't be able to get to it until Monday.

    volkiller730 Thanks! I will give that a try.

    Edit: I just updated to build 10074 and now I can drag and drop again .

    Glad you got it working.

    when can the plugin support deformation?

    No ETA on that yet, though it will definitely be after it's made into a full-feature on Spriter itself. The finished deformation feature will be alot more powerful and intuitive than the experimental version that's in the program now.

  • Hi everyone. Thanks for your patience.

    ChangeLog: 4/25/2015 (Download Here)

    • Fixed a bug where Sounds in the sub-folders of a Spriter project wouldn't get triggered by the plugin.
    • Fixed issue where events and sounds wouldn't be triggered after restarting or returning to a layout.
  • Hi everyone. Thanks for the bug reports. I will be looking into all of them. Unfortunately, I probably won't have a chance until after the weekend as I'm tied up with a few things on the Spriter end of things. Thank you for your patience.

    mattcusprime, please send me the relevant files, thank you.

  • volkiller730, one more thing is to try the example project in my signature just to make sure there isn't something about the save file in particular that's causing it not to work. I don't think this is likely though, because it should still at least ask you if you want to import, and then fail on the import.

  • volkiller730, I just tried it with C2 201 and it worked. The import process that should occur is fully on C2 side, so the first things I would check, is to try C2 using the default theme if you're not already using it, or to reinstall C2. Please let me know if either of these helps or not.

  • Thanks for the info, PSI

  • Thank you I'll look into this. I wonder if a recent C2 change caused this, as sounds were definitely working at one point.

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  • josiascaignard if possible could you send me the non-sound playing capx at , so I can take a look, I should be able to see if it's a bug or help you out if it was a missing step.

    Sethmaster we're hoping to add that type of functionality to several parts of Spriter for organizational purposes, but I don't have an ETA for any of this just yet.

  • Hello MelVin, installing a new version of Spriter shouldn't reset your settings, but it sounds like your save options may not be set (as shown below). If resaving and reimporting the scon file doesn't fix the problem, please send me the relevant files I need to recreate the issue to and I'll take a look.

  • Sethmaster , I believe this is happening from the files loading at different speeds and starting animation playback as soon as the file is completely finished. For now the simplest way to take care of this is just to set one object's current time to the other's:

  • lucid - could you give a brief example of how to use randomized character maps to create variety in spawned enemies or is there already a tutorial?

    PSI, the new implementation will enable me to eventually make this process much more simple, but the way I would do it now is:

    • Create many character maps for different body parts. This could be clothing, separated down into character maps for alternate tops, and bottoms, and if you want to go even further, skin, eyes, additional layers of armour, etc. It's best to name them according to category. For example : top_redShirt, top_blackTunic, hand_bare, hand_glove, etc.
    • In C2, make arrays for the different parts and their names. For instance, an array called 'topArray' that contains the strings "top_redShirt" and "top_blackTunic", and another array called 'handArray', containing those names
    • On Object Creation (or whenever you want the randomness to occur) Append Character Map (,topArray.width))). This is just saying to choose a random index in the array, and apply the character map with that name.
    • Repeat this for as many categories as you created.

    Apologies if this has been posted before regarding the c2 plugin...

    When my character's animation is not looping, if it has finished and the animation is set to blend to the start of a different animation then the blend feature does not work - the 2nd animation just starts without any blending. I can work around it by making extra looping animations but it would be great if the plugin allowed blending from a finished non-looping animation. Let me know if you need a demo and I'll put one together - thanks!

    Colludium, this will be fixed with the updated implementation as well.

  • Thanks R0J0hound, that was very useful.

    I didn't realize that you could still affect the newly created objects from other top-level events, or that the function triggers didn't count as top-level events. Good to know.

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