nblumoe sorry for the late response. I must have dismissed the initial forum notification without realizing it shortly after your response. No ETA just yet, though good progress is being made on the reference implementation, which will be the basis for not only the sub-entity part of this plugin, but also a much more efficient plugin in general. The easiest workaround I can think of would be to actually have two separate entities and use events to constantly set say the torso entity object onto the legs at every tick.
TheWyrm if possible, please send me the capx to lucidwmq@brashmonkey if possible, because it sounds like you're doing everything right. It will help me to find if it's a simple mistake in events, or an actual plugin bug
mhazaru thank you. No simple way I can think of. You could either have two separate c2 objects for the fading in and fading out and use events to do it, or you can create a Spriter animation that executes the fade, though the last is less than ideal since it might be difficult to do this and it would require clones of all the objects. When entities are further along in Spriter, and implemented in C2, there should be easier ways to do this in Spriter as well.