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  • lucid I'm having an awful lot of trouble updating to the latest version.. I don't know if it's something I'm doing, or what.. The download doesn't start automatically, so I clicked the links here: (on a 64-bit machine) which got me some windows redistributables. When I run those, it tells me to "Please resolve the following: A newer version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable has been detected on the machine."

    Meanwhile, Spriter is crashing on me and not saving my last few changes sometimes...

    What download doesn't start automatically? EDIT: Found it. Thanks for reporting this. We recently overhauled our site, and there's a few bugs we haven't caught. It will be fixed shortly.

    The windows redistributables are only if you weren't able to run Spriter at all and were getting dll errors. Basically if it launches at all, you don't need to bother with the dlls.

    Did the crashes start with the new version (r2)? What's happening when the crash occurs? Is it always a certain project that crashes?

  • PSI, I understand it would be useful, but the plugin is controlling separate separate sprites, so there's no direct way to do that.

    I just tried to do it myself with events, using the group and the family, which I thought was possible. It still may be, but it's more confusing than it should be. When I have some time, what I will try to do is add a For Each Sprite condition, or Pick All Sprites condition or both. I'm not sure if the plugin SDK let's you choose objects as family members, but if so, this would work very well for a variety of situations.

  • lucid - have you further considered making it so that effects can be applied via the spriter object itself?

    I must have misunderstood you at some point, or vice versa, but it will not be possible to put effects directly on the scml object until some long term future point when the plugin is made to have the option of not using separate sprites for each body part. The feature I thought we had most recently discussed was temporarily disabling scml object control of an object's angle, position, scale, etc. Things are still extremely busy at the moment on several fronts, so I can't commit to when that will happen, but it's fairly high up on the priority list.


    I would like to report a performance inconsistency bug ?

    I hope you can fix this.

    Thanks for the helpful capx, that saved me a ton of time diagnosing it. I see plenty of room for optimization that should help make this alot faster, but unfortunately as above, I can't commit to a timeframe just yet. There's a bit more than anticipated that will keep us busy for the month of December, so aside from small fixes, or very small features I won't be able to do much on the plugin front, and the optimizations for this are pretty involved. The good news is they should also make the plugin perform better on the ram front as well at all times when multiple instances of the same object are involved, and not just when creating and destroying.

    I see there are still javascript errors popping up when we try to test with spriter object on mobile browsers.

    Thanks for reporting the issue. If you can tell me which browsers, which OS, which export option, and what errors, once I have some time to look into this, the more information I have, the quicker I can find the problem.

    Also, didn't seem to get it to work with touch actions.

    I've seen a strange error or two in the past where one thing was able to affect something that it shouldn't, but generally the scml plugin shouldn't be able to affect another plugin or behavior like that, unless you're saying you were trying to use a touch action directly with the scml object, in which case for now it would be best to either define a collision box in Spriter that you want to be touchable, or an invisible sprite in C2, or one of the individual sprites depending on your needs.

    I believe you guys are working towards ensuring that animations work on mobile release on games too and not just desktop/browser based games?

    Definitely. The idea is to make it work as well as possible, as widely as possible.

  • thanks R0J0hound

  • Unfortunately I no longer have the source code to this. I also haven't worked on this or with Construct Classic for over 2 years, so I can't be of much help I'm afraid.

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  • lucid

    The option does replaced my images. But I have backup. The problem that I had is that if I resized the project and some of the images that are really2 small size, it wont scale down the images. So what I did is that I just open it in paint and scale it down manually.

    But if I resized a group of the vector images in Inkscape(Transform->Scale), the same vector image also left out. So maybe because it is too small or something.

    So it's not resizing the image, even if you save to a separate file? If you want to send me the files that won't resize to

    Does this work on crosswalk export?

    It should work on anything that can load json, though we haven't had a chance to test all exports. You can try with the plugin and the example file available in my signature and the original post of this thread. Please let me know if it works. If not, I'll take a look and I can probably fix it.

    A question that has been bugging me a while. Is there a way to relate/unrelate the sprites by events?

    The intent is to be able to "unparent" the objects to spriter and be able to apply events to the individual sprites.

    Not yet, but I do plan to add a feature to the plugin to do exactly that. I can't give an ETA on that just yet, as we have quite a bit to take care of in the short term related to Spriter 1.0's release, and documentation.

  • Hi tumira,

    As Mike said in the BrashMonkey forums, I believe you may have saved the resized project and it's resized images over your previous images, as the save as resized project feature currently overwrites images already present. If you did and you lost any work, I apologize.

    In response to this we've added a feature that prevents you from saving in the project folder or any of it's subfolders at all, and also confirms any individual image overwrites wherever you save. This will be in the r2 which will be released within the next week.

    If you don't think this was the issue, and you can reproduce the issue saving to a separate directory, please let me know.

  • thanks mattcusprime and TheWyrm

  • -If I set a sound playback rate to something like 0.25 it doesn't apply it first time. Then when it does apply it doesn't sound right.

    The sound playback rate? There isn't a sound playback rate option in Spriter or the C2 plugin, I'm not sure what you mean.

    -Looping sounds now seem to have a bit of gap between them.

    In the plugin? You say now, did they not before?

    -If you follow your video tutorial exactly you will find that the spriter animation wont be running on the ground, but above the sprites origin. Which I think is fine and makes more sense, but may confuse people.

    The sprite origin should be set to where you want the origin from Spriter to appear(the crosshair in the canvas in Spriter)

    -In your plugin tutorial you say 'Then go to the frame you'd like to import your Spriter file to'. The word frame should really be layout as I didnt understand what you meant until I watched the video.

    Thank you, fixed.

    -If I set a sprite position to the origin of one of the child sprites of the spriter animation in C2 it can position them at the origins position on the first frame. See comical screenshot below.

    I'm not sure what you mean. The scml plugin shouldn't affect you getting the proper origin from the component sprites.

    -When I restart the layout within game the sprite seems to displace from its original position.

    Make sure your events to set the sprite to a position are somewhere where they will be fired upon the layout restarted. If you'd like, you can send a capx to explaining how to quickly reproduce the problem.

    On a side note after working with spriter I think the following would be useful.

    -Being able to reset the origin.

    If you mean move the origin within Spriter, you can do this by holding the 'm' key and clicking and dragging the background. There will be a more obvious way to do this in the ui in a future version.

    -Being able to individually hide and show bones including their children.

    Pressing 'z' lets you select all of a bones children. The pro-version lets you right click and hide selected items.

    -Being able to duplicate a branch of bones and children.

    if you select items, and hold control and then click to make a change (like click to drag to a new position, click to begin an angle change or ik chain movement, etc) it will create a clone of the objects and apply to the new objects instead. Due to the complexity of all the parenting operations involved in the cloning it may take a moment or two before the clone takes effect. We will optimize this in future versions.

  • Plugin changelog 11/24/14

    • Fixed a bug where under certain circumstances the scml object could get stuck in z-order
    • Fixed a bug where projects with sound would not load at runtime

    when I remove the sound it worked perfectly by the way. just adding that cause I think I forgot to say it

    Please try downloading this new version of the plugin, and let me know if it still has an issue. Strangely, the version I had wouldn't load animations with sound at all, even though I know it was working before.

    I'm using spriter too for my robots. I've found a few weird issues but managed to find work around on my own to get them up and running. Thanks for a great tool.

    Thanks! Looks fun, btw.

  • I love Spriter, but the audio of the YouTube clip (btw not on the front page, so at first I had no clue where it came from

    Can I change those YouTube settings myself or is it just the way it is?

    In any way, congrats with the big launch!

    Thanks. Do you mean the Scirra Store? The youtube clip starts muted for me when I go that page, so I guess it's a flash player setting, and I'm not sure exactly where it gets saved. My youtube audio wasn't muted when I'd first get to a page until recently, and I'm not sure how I changed the setting (just tried unmuting and going back to the page, but it still starts off muted). But no, there's no video settings on my end that I know of to prevent that.

  • The art i'm using is very minimalistic and geometrical. When cropped from adobe flash it leaves no border around the sprites. Inside spriter these sprites have some sort of antialiasing issue and create jaggies when rotating the square/rectangular sprites. By cropping in C2 it adds a very small transparent border which resolved the issue.

    Spriter doesn't change the images at all, so if they have an issue when you load them into C2, it was there from when they were exported, unless you mean you are exporting the images into PNG frames, in which case I strongly recommend checking out the links in my signature to try out the plugin, which is a much smoother and more powerful way of using your Spriter animations in Construct 2.

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