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  • It's seems that all active animations and charactermaps of existing Spriter objects in Construct 2 are not saved when the save function is used.

    What happen is that all the charactermaps are removed and the animation defaulted to first animation on the top of the list.

    The objects themselves are saved, along with the variables in the objects, just not the both mentioned above.

    I can do a workaround easily on my own but I just wish to inform you regarding this issue.

    Thanks for the info. I think there was a necessary reason why it does minimal serialization for saving, but I can't remember it at the moment. I should be able to look at this again in the near future.


    Hi Lucid, I've been reading and I'm just been curious about something and how it relates to C2. I have been looking into the lip sync via papagayo and Spriter's support for it - I'm just curious how it might be practically applied. Does each line of dialogue that you want to sync have to be created within the Spriter editor and then exported as individual animations, like you would have a walk cycle, idle, jumping etc... would you be calling say, 'anim_dialogue_134' etc and potentially having hundreds or thousands of individual lines explicitly created like that?

    Does each 'speaking' animation work explicitly, i.e. would your character be stood potentially motionless, idle etc, could you have your character speaking random lines while running, jumping, shooting etc and have them in sync - or would you have to say, export a separate head object and somehow bind them together in C2?

    Sorry this is all speculation for the moment, like I said I'm just curious as to how it would be implemented and how well it's supported currently.


    The lip-sync gets baked into the animation within Spriter. Eventually I plan to make it so you can control sub-animations (which would enable you to play a separate animation for the head talking, while playing the running animation for the body), but I won't venture an ETA on that just yet.

  • Gamekid, try this link, please.

  • elliot, that type of thing will eventually be in there. As Mike said, though, I'm a bit behind on a few things, so I don't want to venture a guess of when that will be possible just yet.


    • Fixed a bug where in certain situations animated variables would return the incorrect value.
  • Sethmaster and

    It is true the current plugin is not well suited to creating full tilemaps, though of course it could definitely be used to create individual moving background elements. There are a couple of things you can do in other game scenarios to aid with lightening the cpu load. One is to separate your characters to separate files - If you have several characters in the same file, then all of those parts for all the characters will be loaded for each instance of your scml object. Keeping each character in its own file will keep the object creation to a minimum. Another way is to use the 'Set Automatic Pausing' action. This let's you choose a pixel padding to create a box around the x,y location of the scml object where it will pause animation playback if that box goes off screen. This will have a big impact if the majority of your animated objects are off screen most of the time. If you have trouble getting it working, let me know and I will explain it in more detail, but basically you use the action once on each instance, rather than every tick.

    Lastly, I'm a bit behind on a few ETAs at the moment, so I won't venture a guess as to exactly when, but I plan to eventually make the plugin so you have the option to use separate objects for each part (as it does now), or one object that does all the painting itself. This would give you the option to tradeoff the ability to access individual parts as C2 objects or the reduced overhead of a single object.

  • Tylermon, Yes, it picks based on comparison.

    You won't need it for entities anymore, but for future reference, the system condition 'Pick by comparison' would have also worked :

    There's also a few other System conditions under 'Pick instances' that can come in handy for the rare cases when a plugin or behavior doesn't directly support what you need.

  • Tylermon, I responded here:

  • Hi You could compare using the 'entityname' property, but to make things easier I updated the plugin with a Compare Entity condition:


    • Added "Compare Entity" condition to check what the currently set entity is.
  • Thanks We're going to make it eventually require only the scon file for the C2 plugin.

    You can set the entity and animation for each instance using the 'set entity' action, or the 'starting entity' in the object's property pane.

  • Excellent. Glad you're back on track.

  • - I'm not sure if you recently switched dev machines or did a system restore, but it looks like your save options in Spriter are disabled. If you reenable the save options, it should work:

  • Thanks for all the info. I got your PM. I will take a look, and get back to you soon.

    jojoe this vid should help, but let me know if you have additional questions :

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  • Awesome. Glad you got it working. Thanks for following up.

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