Spriter/C2 - (9-16-2019 - bug fix)

From the Asset Store
Rotate & Animation for 16 Direction & Mouse Direction
  • Hi, I cant seems to open up the link to download plugin for importing spriter project to construct 2.

  • Gamekid, try this link, please.

  • It's seems that all active animations and charactermaps of existing Spriter objects in Construct 2 are not saved when the save function is used.

    What happen is that all the charactermaps are removed and the animation defaulted to first animation on the top of the list.

    The objects themselves are saved, along with the variables in the objects, just not the both mentioned above.

    I can do a workaround easily on my own but I just wish to inform you regarding this issue.

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  • lucid

    Hi Lucid, I've been reading and I'm just been curious about something and how it relates to C2. I have been looking into the lip sync via papagayo and Spriter's support for it - I'm just curious how it might be practically applied. Does each line of dialogue that you want to sync have to be created within the Spriter editor and then exported as individual animations, like you would have a walk cycle, idle, jumping etc... would you be calling say, 'anim_dialogue_134' etc and potentially having hundreds or thousands of individual lines explicitly created like that?

    Does each 'speaking' animation work explicitly, i.e. would your character be stood potentially motionless, idle etc, could you have your character speaking random lines while running, jumping, shooting etc and have them in sync - or would you have to say, export a separate head object and somehow bind them together in C2?

    Sorry this is all speculation for the moment, like I said I'm just curious as to how it would be implemented and how well it's supported currently.


  • It's seems that all active animations and charactermaps of existing Spriter objects in Construct 2 are not saved when the save function is used.

    What happen is that all the charactermaps are removed and the animation defaulted to first animation on the top of the list.

    The objects themselves are saved, along with the variables in the objects, just not the both mentioned above.

    I can do a workaround easily on my own but I just wish to inform you regarding this issue.

    Thanks for the info. I think there was a necessary reason why it does minimal serialization for saving, but I can't remember it at the moment. I should be able to look at this again in the near future.


    Hi Lucid, I've been reading and I'm just been curious about something and how it relates to C2. I have been looking into the lip sync via papagayo and Spriter's support for it - I'm just curious how it might be practically applied. Does each line of dialogue that you want to sync have to be created within the Spriter editor and then exported as individual animations, like you would have a walk cycle, idle, jumping etc... would you be calling say, 'anim_dialogue_134' etc and potentially having hundreds or thousands of individual lines explicitly created like that?

    Does each 'speaking' animation work explicitly, i.e. would your character be stood potentially motionless, idle etc, could you have your character speaking random lines while running, jumping, shooting etc and have them in sync - or would you have to say, export a separate head object and somehow bind them together in C2?

    Sorry this is all speculation for the moment, like I said I'm just curious as to how it would be implemented and how well it's supported currently.


    The lip-sync gets baked into the animation within Spriter. Eventually I plan to make it so you can control sub-animations (which would enable you to play a separate animation for the head talking, while playing the running animation for the body), but I won't venture an ETA on that just yet.

  • any news?

  • winsonzhong

    The good news is the reference implementation I was working on is finished, so I'm definitely closer to being able to update the plug-in again. The bad news is there's still a few things I must do first, including a long-overdue update build of Spriter itself. Once the new update build is out I should be able to get back into the C2 Spriter plug-in, but can't guarantee how soon this will be, or how long the improvements/fixes will take once I'm doing it. So, getting much closer, but not there yet. Thanks again very much for your patience.

  • lucid I was working on an animation and accidentally rotated the head art (not by the bones) and it made a keyframe. I tried to delete the key frame and it didn't work. I've since rotated other body parts and have been able to delete their keyframes as well as any bone keyframes. This one is just being stubborn. Not sure what could be causing the problem.

    You can check out my file here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/561 ... priter.zip

    Thanks for your help.


  • sman118, the issue was that the bone structure changed (the head was disconnected from the head bone after the first key). In order for the animation to work with reparenting, certain keyframes are automatically created. Not being able to delete those keys is a bug, though, and we will try to fix this in a future version. In the meantime, here's a fixed version of the file.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/257 ... e_000.scml

    I just added the head to the neck bone in all mainline keys, and then deleting them would have worked, but I selected the head on the first key, and pressed control-D, which copies selected objects to all keys, and deletes any now unnecessary keys for the selected objects in one step.

  • lucid Thank you so much for looking into it. I save a base, template version of my characters so I was able to just redo the cycle, but i'll remember that for next time.

    Anyone who wants to see a time lapse of my building and animating an enemy can click the on the picture below.

    lucid While I was working, I was curious if there were any plans to update the curves editor on the keyframes to allow viewing of the entire timeline instead of a per-keyframe basis. I admittedly have no idea how you would implement that and am sure it is harder than I imagine. Its just a feature I've used a lot in other cut-out animation based programs and I found it helpful. Again, thanks for all of your help.



  • sman118 , no immediate plans. It's possible in the future, but there's already a backlog of things at the moment, so I wouldn't venture when that might happen.

  • awesome progress on the exporter!

    Are skin type deformations supported in the addon?

  • I found a bug:

    using the grey guy template, after some playing around in spriter.

    Here is the scml and scon files:


  • is it possible to apply the same animation to two different entities without the need to create a new copy of it?

  • blurymind the plugin doesn't support deformation yet. We will add that in when the deformation feature is complete. I believe that's the issue you're having with your file.

    The upcoming version of Spriter will allow you to move an animation from one entity to another.

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