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  • lucid - thanks again for your help. I will definitely be emailing you an SCML file soon. One quick question - is there any way to apply webgl effects to spriter objects? prior to using spriter, my enemies would flash red when getting damaged using the tint effect, which was applied to all enemy families. is there a similar way to do that using spriter?

    There is not currently a way to do this to an entire character, unless you can use containers to pick all of the related family members. I haven't tried this, but I don't think it's possible. I will think on this, and see if there's a way I can have the plugin pick all sprites as their family types with an action or condition.

    can top down sprites and their animations be done with spriter? for example - i want a spider, looking on him from above and create an animation that shows his leg moving... is that possible?

    It should be possible by just rotating the legs, and making sure you kept the upper and lower legs separate so the animator can change the width/length of each for foreshortening.

  • , if you or anyone else still needs or wants an example file. Mike set one up, and you can download it here.


  • Hello . That was a created on an old dead pc, and we no longer have the project, but we will try to recreate it or something similar in the near future.

  • mudmask, you can change the zorder and images freely, just not the hierarchy, so if a head sprite is the child of a neck bone it won't properly blend to an animation where the same head sprite is the child of the torso bone. Also if one animation has sprites that another animation doesn't it may have issues. If that doesn't help, and you don't mind, feel free to send me the zipped Spriter project folder to , and tell me which animations don't blend properly into eachother, and I can tell you if I see any issues.

  • yeah i am curious like what KFII said, like it would be nice to know if you can add image points to scml and scon files

    TheRedFireMan, I'm a bit confused by your two questions. Could you please clarify?

    You can add action points to scml and scon files, which can also be animated, attached to bones, and retrieved from C2. I'm not sure if that answers your question.

    so is title entity box 000 suppose to represent the box where you add image points and behaviors?

    Title entity box 000? Is there a tutorial you're referring to?

  • hi Thanks for the kind words, and the game looks great as well. Reminds me of Super-Metroid. Are all the parts we see on the left from the bee boss?

    Strange things happen when blending between animations if they don't share the same exact hierarchy (bone parent and child relationships). The easiest way to check is to load up your project in Spriter, and click on the hierarchy tab (stacked with the zorder tab on the left), and switch between animations and see if you notice anything changing location.

  • mudmask :

  • 2/22/2016

    • Added Set C2 Object To Spriter Object action to pin C2 Objects to Spriter objects (points, boxes, bones, sprites, points, sub-entities)
  • mudmask - Glad you found a workaround. Unfortunately, fixing the point issue would make it so all the sprites being moved around to animate the character would lag behind a tick if you pinned the character to a sprite using the pin behavior or something similar. It seems like the it has to be one or the other, since the only choices are to animate the character and update the point values at the beginning or end of a tick (before or after all events), and either choice causes one of those two issues.

    I would keep an eye out on the main Spriter thread, however, as this is something that might be streamlined with sub-entities. At the moment, importing sub-entities are a little cumbersome to import, but I have an idea I'm going to try to add in the next Spriter update that will make it a lot easier. Assuming you had the top half of the character as a sub-entity attached to the bottom half, you could just call an override action to change animations on the top half.

    Edit: As another user is having a similar issue, I will see about having an action that will let you attach a c2 object to an image point, to let it manage this for you. If it works out well, it will be an upcoming plugin update.

  • Thanks


    • Fixed a bug with action points, where the angle returned wouldn't compensate for flipped or mirrored entities
    • Fixed bugs that prevented sub-entities from displaying or animating properly

    The process to import sub-entities is actually quite painless, but may look a little daunting at first:

    For this example, we have an entity called 'TestEntity' that is using 'Player' as a sub-entity in the 'test' animation.

    Here is the initially imported scml object

    The first step after you've imported your project is to clone the scml object type, and rename it to something that makes sense (usually the name of the entity in Spriter). If you have multiple sub-entities or entities. You need a separate object for everything that will be a sub-entity. The initial import was already called 'Player', so I'm naming this one 'TestEntity'. This is also a good time to set your scml object to it's starting entity in the object properties.

    These were the initialization events automatically generated by the import:

    The first thing you do is create an initialization event for your other scml object. Then move all of the actions initializing objects that belong to that entity to this new initialization event. It's easy to tell which ones belong to the other entity because each object is prepended with the filename and the entity name. After you've moved over all of the actions. Select all the actions, right click 'Replace Object', and change the object from the original scml object to the correct one.

    And the final step is to look at the name of the sub-entity object in Spriter (by default it's named after the entity being used as a sub-entity)

    And create your own 'Associate object type' action for the object that will be the sub-entity to the containing entity, using the same naming convention:

    And that's it. When you play your project the sub-entity should be playing, and you can even control your sub-entity in real time using the new override actions.

    Please let me know if you have any trouble following the instructions.


  • Hi everyone. I apologize for the delay in getting the sub-entity tutorial posted. I got side-tracked while finishing up Spriter R6. In any case, I started writing up the tutorial post today, and it seems a recent change in C2 breaks the way the sub-entity feature works. The tutorial was mostly complete when I discovered, the bug, so I will be looking into this in the coming days and I will post back with the fix and the tutorial as soon as I figure out what the issue is. Thanks for your patience.

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