lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • I use it all the time on my cell phone

    I have the blue tooth in my ear while I drive

    and I just touch a button on the bluetooth

    what time is it?

    call jason hernandez

    what's my battery level?

    play incubus

    what's on my schedule for today?

    I love how you don't even have to train it anymore

    incidentally, cell phones rock too

    I'm just now joining the 21st century with cell phones

    it's still not perfect, but if it continues at this rate, I think it will understand you as often as humans do in the next 5 years

  • im not sure if im too late for anything, and im at work so i cant read all the replies right now, but i feel differently than alot of the other posters on the front page. if the polls are still open, i vote yes on the family folders. it would be really convenient to be able to drag a bunch of objects into a family folder instead of having to go into the proprty page of each object one by one. why not have it there. there was something else a few people wanted , oh yeah...behaviors, see i have no need for that at all, but if some people could really benefit from it, i think it should be there. dont know if its possible, but being able to show/hide folders that are less general like those above could be a good feature

    either way, awesome job rich


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  • have you played lbp though? man it's good

  • I'm not sure how hard this would be, but is it possible to just make private variables act like normal object parameters,

    like if you added a private variable hello, to sprite1, like when you double click sprite1,

    the same way theres an action to "see x" or "get x", and "set angle" or "get angle", there would just be a "set hello" and "get hello" under the private variable subsection, it would really speed things up. there are few things in awestruct that make me feel daunted or like I'm in for something tedious. projects where I need alot of private variables are one of them. a drop down list of all functions when you 'call' or 'on function' would also be cool, but for some reason I think that would be more annoying to add to constructs inner workings

    anyone else that would find this incredibly useful?

  • oh sorry

    no I didn't realize

    I wanted to be able to pick from a family

    and destroy that family

  • I've tried countless things with the list objects, but none of them seem to respond to the "on click function"

    so I finally came up with this method, obviously it can be prettier. also it can be made to work with a long array based thingy, and with multiple instances of one text object instead of two separate objects and such, but basically, this seemed like the easiest way to me

    is there an easier way with list objects I'm not seeing?

  • tried that drasa

    that just destroys the last family member that was picked

  • heh

    yeah I just tried it and it indeed didn't work

    and I was about to use that function technique

    yeah, I'll try that

    btw, I can't rightclick delete action

    it's always greyed out

    I have to hit the delete key, which isn't a big deal

    just wondering if it's just me

  • hmmmm

    so does that mean we shouldn't submit it in the feature requests forum

    or we should submit it in both places

    or only submit it there once people think it's cool in here?

    and at aeal5566 completely ignoring this whole post and posting his feature request here

  • I think when you copy a condition

    and right click on the blank space under all your events

    you should be able to paste it as a new event

    you should also be able to copy/ paste as subevents both for copied events, and copied conditions

  • is there a way to force forgetting of picking without it being a crazy workaround

    like I click on a sprite

    first I want to perform a function on that particular sprite

    then I want to destroy all instances of that sprite

    so in between those two, I want to forget the picking

    is there another way besides, making a subevent for each object?

    actually, I just thought of that subevent for each object thing as I was typing my question

    but might as well ask, is there a straight "forget picking" feature somewhere?

  • hmmm

    I've got an etiquette question for you fine folks.

    I was recently asked to post a cap by one of our awesome construct forum friends

    and I posted an exe instead

    my cap didn't contain anything too important, but I didn't want to set a precedent of cap posting for my current project. I want to eventually post tutorials on some of these techniques when I have time

    and I love it when my fellow forum members post useful caps that show how they did awesome things. but, the thing is, I want this project to go commercial eventually when it's finished. I work a crappy job, and I'd prefer to make awesome games and sell them on steam for a living, and I think I might just be able to make something cool enough for people to want to buy it. I may just be building castles in the sky, but hey, personally, I feel I and others here can, and will do it, eventually.

    because of this, I don't feel comfortable making the whole thing open-source, but I still want to actively participate in the community and actively give and receive help. and post cool alpha build exe's as they come along.

    I felt really pompous and silly saying that I don't want to always share caps as I go through the project. at the same time, it seems only normal not to want to share all your code if you're planning on going commercial. am I just being paranoid? and am I violating some type of developer's forum ethical code of openness?

    your thoughts?

    ps: I love construct

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Member since 16 Jan, 2009

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