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  • arrays no longer start at 0

    start at 1 instead of 0 and it should fix the problem

  • this thing rocks

  • thanks quazi

    this is just the barebasics here

    more of a proof of concept than anything

    so not quite as refined as it will be, totally alpha

    I'm in the middle of starting from scratch to make it more flexible and reusable

    at this point it seems I'm going to need to make a separate animation package (using construct for this too) to save and load files to be used with the system

    that will also serve as a test ground to test out physics and such

    this new version isn't even walking yet, but it's already reaching a level of complexity where I'm going to need to work it out on paper first. I don't want to finish a whole walker, only to realize that when I want to add more characters on the screen I'm totally lost. I have to make sure that adding limbs to anything doesn't require any extra coding, other than loading the animation and physics properties. exciting times, though.

    also, for those who want the ik tool I originally posted about, it's at this link:

  • I realize that normal maps can do more in 3d than heightmaps can. but in 2d, should you be able to get pretty much the same exact results with both, assuming you have the skill or software to create either one?

  • wow, it's pretty good sounding as far as speech synth goes

    is it using some text to speech feature built into windows?

    anyway, it sounds good

    if it's not some generic speech synth built into directx or something

    I have many more questions

  • I can't figure out how to or if you can insert anything anything in anywhere other than the first column in report style

  • is there a way to call an event without it taking place

    like if I have an even for drag and drop, is dragging

    and I want to trigger that event without dragging and dropping can I do that?

    I know this can be done with functions, but I'm just curious because there are times when the second usage is an afterthought exception where it would need to be done, or once in setup

  • I'm not sure if it's only drag and drop conditions

    but it doesn't show the object name, so if you have 3 sprites that look the same

    and you have

    sprite 3 is dragging condition

    and sprite2 is dragging condition

    they'll look exactly the same

    the other thing is find and replace, i know it might seem rather ridiculous in such a tiny space

    but in the action windows, it would be awesome to have a find and replace feature

    sometimes there's a long expression, with several something.x's

    and I have to copy and paste

    and then go to every x, and change it to something.y's

    or there's a similar action for several different objects, and I just copy and paste the whole action, and I need to change just the object names in the expressions

    it happens all the time to me, I'm not sure how common it is for other people

    and lastly is highlighting the dropdown box area when accessing private variables

    when you're in the action window of some action, and you doubleclick on sprite2

    then choose 'get private variable'

    it pastes in sprite2.value('variable name') or something like that

    I'm not sure exactly what it puts, because for some odd reason

    today when I do this it says sprite2.value(value) with no quotes or anything

    but that's a separate glitch/issue

    I think it should start with the area between the quotes hightlighted and the dropdown box ready to go, since you're never going to want to leave it as is, and the only other way to get the dropdown box(that I know of), is to go between the parenthesis and erase the little single quotes, and then type a single quote. just a little thing that'd streamline the process

  • it's the same kinda thing you were doing with your ik walker thingy.

    animation synthesis is where animation is generated on the fly

    a biped is something with 2 legs

    so far, the animation synthesizer can create realistic animations for the legs based on speed, meaning if you set it to slow, it walks realistically, and as it gets faster, the animation becomes more and more like running. all you adjust is the speed. it's eventually going to automatically create animation on the fly based on variations in the height of the terrain, on fatigue, being influenced by outside forces, such as being pushed, and compensating for the lack of balance, push and pulling objects of various weights, slipping, etc. natural motion has the euphoria engine which does the same kinda thing:

    it's pretty awesome stuff

  • the way you can split objects into categories like in hiddenfeatures2:

    they should be split up the same way in the object pane of the action window

    so if I want to find sprite2 so I can double click and access a property, I can find it by category

    also, that bottom pane where the objects are listed gets cumbersome if you have more than a few, and you have to scroll through it. it should be resizable, and it should remember the window size

  • I think it's a directx thing

    cuz on a side note, they also don't show up if you make a movie with Fraps

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  • wow


    no seriously, I guess there's no way to report this bug and it probably doesn't happen often, but that wasn't there yesterday...also yesterday, the private variables that I added for the first time while setting their value in the set value function weren't appearing in the properties pane, and now they are there

    I swear. I'm not going crazy

    what day is it?

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