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  • mad

    he meant if you have the exits open like youre saying, with a straight line sortof tunnel, and you wanted it to cross over another straight line tunnell without making a new type of intersection tunnel

    the post i posted before your post should work in that situation though

  • I don't think you needed the math library for that genesys

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  • Python can do a lot that events can't, via additional libraries.

    like what exactly? plugin power stuff?

    or just shortcuts for event type stuff?


    a little awkward I know, but use the arrow keys to move around and get a decent view

    drag the little blue box at the bottom to set the zoom

    the color fade of the boxes is set at startup, so you can use it to tell which sprite is disappearing

    you'll notice that as you zoom in, the sprites in the distance disappear

  • you could put antisolid and antisolidoutline in a group, and then


    --enable collision

    -on collision with antisolid

    -(inverted) on collision with antisolid outline

    --disable collision

    that way, if its true for at least one antisolid/outline combo, it will be passable

    i think that should work for the intersection scenario as well

  • i think, although this isnt nearly as simple to implement as your original suggestion, i think it would work

    you would have to make two separate objects

    the passthrough or antisolid

    and another object that is an outline of its shape

    then you can say,

    -character is overlapping antisolid

    -is not overlapping antisolidborder

    that should work

  • Why was this build called stable.. WHY


    Oh god , transitions don't work.

    this is actually a terrible build

    f you disagree with the alleged stability of the build, then suggest or discuss maturely. The exaggerated angst and righteous outrage aren't productive. Use 98.9 if you don't think this is stable.

    report bugs, and be thankful that a small group of people are here to listen to all our suggestions, and are willing to incorporate your feedback as they continue to refine, develop, and support a powerful free game development tool.

  • it would have to be thru a plugin

    python cant do anything events cant

  • yes, 3d meshes

    with the mesh editor tool that comes with construct nowadays

    also, bumpmapping

    although, be wary of your target system, and whether it can handle such thangs

  • Yeah they might be cool to play with but they should never be necessary to play a game. You would alienate a bunch of possible players just be requires that they use a controller. And what if i dont have a console to use them with? Im supposed to spend a bunch of money (probably more money than I paid for the game) so that I can play it fsck that.

    I disagree kinda

    there are certain games, for consoles, that you see none of for pc, until recently

    or just crappy toned down versions, because everyone has a keyboard and a mouse

    I think that's made pc gaming lame in some ways

    most tripleA pc games for a long time now have been fps's

    I bought a ps3 to play games like little big, god of war, metal gear, superbomberman, fighting games

    developers have hesitated to bring these to pc because 'no one' has controllers

    that's lame, I've always wanted to see what those style games would look like if they were MADE for pc, instead of direct crappy ports. although I disagree with the stupid greedy way MSoft went about it

    I think the whole xinput/360 controller thing will eventually end up being good for pc gaming

    as more and more developers start realizing they can release a game that's not an fps on the pc

    but yeah, I think the 360 controller is fairly nice, but it's alot of friggin money

    and I'll probably end up going with an xinput clone with a good dpad, and a slightly lower price tag

    if such a thing exists. so yeah, I think you should make keyboard an option on your game

    but I see nothing wrong with designing a game with controllers in mind as the best way to play

  • Perhaps an opaque 'tape' which would show where the event would be inserted (marking the affected events, which would be pushed aside)?

    there is a black line that shows where itll be inserted, but yes i do agree that sometimes its difficult to move things around

  • i realize the attribute would be more convenient, but as a workaround without large canvases. put every would be solid and antisolid erase mask in a family. make a solid canvas 2 pixels wider than your character, and it have it 'always' set to the characters position. and use the same technique as above then you have your full solution with no large canvases, and only 4 actions -always- set canvas position to character clear canvas paste family update collision mask

    EDIT: nevermind, this doesn't work at all

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