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  • I thought about that, but if you're timescale is set to 0, then you'd be dividing by zero.

    so why not if timescale = 0

    then 0


    the expression

  • mine doesnt go down in framerate until 3 pixels

    at 4x 4 it's still 60+

    4200+ athlon x2

    4 gigs 800MHz ram

  • There is another things you can do with this too. And it isn't possible to create simple moving and resizing etc. holes in solid with canvas. Say you want to have liquid, where the character can't go, but there's bubbles in the liquid, and the character can move inside these bubbles.

    you can:

    click here for bubble example

    Also, I can think uses for is fully overlapped/covered/whatever by ... -condition. Is it hard to do? For Construct 2, at least?

    I'm not going to speak for the devs

    but I believe maybe for construct 2 it might not be so bad, but for construct 1 it would probably require adding extra code to every behavior that recognizes the solid attribute

    also, I think the current code for collision detection doesn't have a 'wholly overlapping' method

    so it would be a whole new avenue of potential bugs while we're on the 99-1.0 homestretch

  • it's early in the morn' so I'd double check and test it



    should work

  • if you make your own custom movement

    you can use a workaround for now

    if 'object overlaps solid object'

    (negated) 'overlaps nonsolid object'

  • thanks

    the popup window can't be destroyed without manually closing it right?

    also, I think I found a workaround for the the mouse thing

    you create a pointer sprite, invisible if you wish, give it mouse behavior

    and instead of (object clicked)

    you do a

    (left mousebutton clicked)

    (object overlapping at offset (0-layout.x,0-layout.y))

    doesn't work with popup window...nothing does

  • thanks everyone

    still not clear on the regular directx game thing though

    and thomas, the amount and nature of the bullshit involved with ps3 controllers varies depending on whether you've got 32 or 64 windows?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • first off, do they work with directx games without special drivers?

    or only with newer xinput games?

    second, if I want to go wireless, do I need 4 wireless adaptors for 4 controllers?

    or just one? (please only answer this second one if you know for sure)

  • supercool

  • i cant see what the tools option does

    mousekeyboard, on click on stuff doesnt have the correct coords when the layout isnt spawned at 0,0

    how do you close a nonmodal layout?

  • im deep into my engine at the moment

    but, eventually i plan to make a tiling plugin,

    to me it makes more sense to be a separate object

  • I don't really care about achievements

    but it is fun momentarily when I get one

    and it's cool that your fellow steammates can see as you unlock something

    and valve usually has clever names for them

    btw, steam is f'in awesome

    better than xboxlive and free

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