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  • Yeah, steven, that's one of the great things about these todo lists. I've quit around that stage many times before. Just brainstorm what's keeping your game from feeling complete, put all these steps down on whichever). each one that can't be finished in a single sitting, think of all the steps to complete it, and put those as substeps, if one of those is too large break it down again into substeps. Even if the step is "ask on scirra forum how to do whatever. When you sit down to work, choose from your toplist which you'd like to work on next to work on.. Even when you think you have a clear idea in your head about how to proceed, getting it out of your head and onto a list you can trust to be around when you need it frees up your concentration, and helps you to focus more thoroughly on the next task at hand

  • So I think is the best one I've found, its absolutely perfect for me, its already helping me so much. Has a fantastic UI, and all the features I need.

    thanks alspal. this is the one I'm going to go with as well. there's no way I can do time estimates and due dates at this point. I do like being able to prioritize, but the simplicity here is key, superminimalist. Also, none of the other sites worked well on my android phone, and the ones that had apps that synced with them had apps that were inexcusably annoying to use, where the whole time I'm just struggling to get it to do something simple because of buggy horrific ui. This one works like a charm on android, all features, and has the first mobile version of a page I don't have to scoff at and quickly change to the desktop version

    thanks again. now I'm back to having everything free. which is just about what I can afford right now

  • There is a world size limit I can tweak for the next build. unfortunately, the version of box2d construct uses does not have the option for a limitless world. It might be possible if you're already doing some specialized stuff most likely to get infinite space, to pull a trick where you move all objects back to a closer part of the layout when you approach it, or destroy objects when they reach a certain distance, and recreate them when you get close enough with your ship that you will shift the world back to the origin

  • Try Construct 3

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  • there are quite a few. I have to leave to work soon, so I can't look through all these yet, but there's quite a few, and I'm sure at least some of them are as good as they say and support subtasks. there's a bunch linked to in these threads: ... h-subtasks ... -list-apps

    and I started reading the link dravenx, and i will finish later. definitely seems relevant, thank you.

    and thanks everyone else for the todo list links. I think I'll migrate my list over to one of the free ones. I don't feel like paying even a few bucks if there are free alternatives, and it turns out the svn part of assembla is free I think. it's the projectmanagement stuff that has the monthly fee.

  • oh yeah..what quazi said. personally, I find the built in bone animation behavior to be very awkward to use, but I wasn't suggesting you try and make a full animator like the one I'm working on. I was saying that when it's released it will be a way to achieve that type of animation. that's a ways off though, so yeah, probably regular bone animation would be fun to mess around with, and maybe you'll have better luck with it than I did

  • I really expected fish to be honest

    I'm working on an engine that does this type of thing and a little more. smoothly bending joints that can have multiple images per joint, and multiple frames per image, which can be bent and distorted along curves, and can smoothly blend between any two animations with no extra animating required. or have a users custom design graphic tattooed on a characters arm, and be animated as if it were there to begin with, or the aforementioned tearing clothes and falling hats, character facial expressions independent of other animation going on...etc etc etc

    there's a number of other features I'm planning, but I'm starting work on a video that showcases most of the major features very soon, so I'll save that stuff for that post when it comes. it's planned to be a commercial editor and plugin for both c1 and c2. it's pretty far along now, but the only videos I have uploaded were from a much earlier prealpha build where barely anything was implemented, but here ya go:

  • hey guys. I finally solved this problem, for myself at least, and the vast lifechanging life changes that have changed my life have been lifechanging.

    Now I still get distracted here and there, but no exaggeration, I'm on track to reach a milestone in my project that was originally projected for around october/november, and I think I will reach this milestone before I go to bed tonight. I only discovered this different way of working a few weeks ago.

    it's very simple, so it might not help some of you, unless you have severe issues with organization and distraction, but it's made a big difference for me, so just wanted to share.

    The first is organization. Wait wait....I get it. when you're disorganized, you're disorganized, there's just no way around it. everything is always a mess, and no matter what you try from sticky notes, to wall charts always fails, because you don't stick with it, you forget about it, and half the time, it's so annoying trying to be organized, you just get distracted from that too. And in actuality, you just kindof feel like you're going through the motions anyway...

    The solution? Software. Find a piece of software that lets you organize. I've been using there's a small fee($9/month) for using their project planner (which is an Agile Planner), but there are plenty of free ones out there, it's just this one comes with an SVN for managing source code, and bug and feature tracking, and I wanted that as well.

    what's important tho, is that the software you choose let you EASILY move stuff around, add stuff, delete it, and most importantly, break it into smaller bits, for instance:

    at first I just put in the 3 major parts of the first major project milestone, the 2d engine, the procedural stuff, and the editor specific stuff, then under those I added all the things that needed doing. it turned out to be much less than I was always panicking about.

    but that's when the magic started happening...when I started programming, and suddenly I'd realize something else that I had forgotten I needed to do, or discovered a bug that I'd need to fix later, instead of just getting crazy overwhelmed and entering distraction zone, I'd just add it to the list of things to do in the appropriate spot. I can't emphasize enough how much this changed everything for me. first, my project just seemed to shrink overnight, instead of a million things to do, I realized it really wasn't that much. but more importantly, it was literally lifechanging. I'm just happier in general now. may seem silly, but I guess all those random worries about the project. when it just seemed like there were too many glitches to keep track of, or features I'd periodically was all weighing on me at all times, even when I didn't realize it was in the back of my mind. I can think more clearly, and I can even hang with GladOS and Mileena from time to time without feeling guilty, like I'm wasting time when I should be laying the next brick for the Tower of Babel. so...let's review, planning SOFTWARE, not paper, if you have problems with organization, paper will get lost, it will get messy, and if you need to add some steps in between two others, it will be messier. Make sure it lets you edit and divide things with little or no effort, and make sure it feels natural.

    And second, minor, simple, BUT ESSENTIAL!!! I unplugged the internet. I always heard, if you get distracted, eliminate the distractions...but all my distractions were right here at my pc?!!?

    so I unplug the internet from the back of my PC. it's kindof a pain to go down there and plug it in everytime you want to be distracted, but more importantly, it showed me just how quickly and out of the blue I get distracted...I exaggeration. it was like this:, it crashes here at this code...we have

    selectedbones[0]->animation==... and then BLAM right there in midthought, I see my browser opened up, with the CHECK YOUR CONNECTION message. I swear, I didn't even make a conscious decision to open it. but now, instead of just realizing I got distracted somewhere 45 minutes into lurking in scirra chat, looking at pony pictures, and reading random blogs, I immediately had a decision to make. Do I connect the internet in order to proceed with this compulsive madness? or do I continue my work? now instead of a helpless thing being distracted without knowing it, it's like a popup window

    [quote:1ej1ghp9]Distraction Firewall has prevented Firefox from using your internet connection

    Allow Block

    and I have a choice in the matter.

    these two simple steps have taken about a year off my project. and they've been consistently working almost a month now, where pretty much every time I sit down to work, I get something done in one or two nights that would have taken me weeks to complete before...

    hope this helps someone, and if least writing it was a nice distraction...


  • Lucid , Why don't you release some of your wikd plugin's alongside the next update?.

    not sure if you meant IN the next update, or really alongside it, but newt is right. totally focused on the animator right now, with construct classic development as a side hobby type distraction thing.

    when I do make some new plugins though, they'll probably just be released as lucid, and not within construct classic. mainly I want the luxury of saying things like "please test this out", or "while in this phase, don't start any major projects" if I'm working on something experimental, which I don't think is really fair in a construct release. besides, separate plugins work exactly the same anyway.

    not to hijack the thread, but the two plugs I've really been wanting to develop, but definitely can't start for a while, is a proper spritefont plugin with all the old features, but stable and well programmed as opposed to the noob disaster that is the first. and also, I finally figured out how I could have made S for construct 1 without a 2000 page instruction manual that only a few users can grasp. this new version of s, actually has a chance getting started while I'm still working on my current project, since it will be easy to program, and since it will be a suite of small plugins that are easy to understand, instead of one huge difficult to understand one, and I can release them one at a time, and they can still be useful.

    also, when I actually finish the bulk of my current work, I'm seriously considering trying my hand at an android runtime for c2 as well, if someone hasn't beat me to it.

  • yes, it's community developed now. while the original devs work exclusively on c2, the original r1 changelog gives all the details

  • Great game! I love the art, the animation, the character design... it's gorgeous!

    I got a bit put off by the music and the sound effects, though. It makes sense with the gameplay, but I expected them to be more... mystical or something with that autumn/reddish ambient ^^

    yeah, I kinda agree.

    still fantastically fantastic tho

  • there should be more updates. No idea on when though. Just when enough changes amass to make it worth a release.

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