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  • the fade behavior he's using has a 'destroy on fadeout' attribute

  • the short answer to your question is that there is a 'picking' system

    you choose the objects that are relevant in your conditions, and then the actions only act upon those specific objects


    MySprite 'is overlapping' ThatOtherSprite



    now only the MySprite's that are overlapping ThatOtherSprites will have their angle changed, and only the overlapped ThatOtherSprites will be destroyed. If there are other instances of those two object types that are not overlapping eachother they will be unaffected by the actions following the 'is overlapping' condition.

    All conditions work this way. it streamlines everything greatly

    the longer answer can be found here: ... Conditions

    under the heading 'picking'

    xenox is right though, look at this thread:

    the ghost shooter tutorial is the quickest way to get a general feel for construct. I'll bet you'll be amazed at how wonderful everything works.

    the tutorials in the tutorials section of the forum are more specific, so I would suggest picking and choosing through the 'are you new here' thread and wiki first

  • the kismet scripting system from unreal 3 uses a flow chart as well.

    aside from the aforementioned problems. construct gives you control over the order of condition evaluation. in order to do this in a flow chart, the flow would have to converge on the next nonsub event each time, which would make for about the most unreadable thing in the universe, unless you just put them all in a straight line with indented branches, which would end up looking like the current event sheet with little lines everywhere

  • when you spawn a new object it is automatically picked so if you want to do something to newly created objects, just put the actions after their creation, ie:


    sprite.x = 50

    will move only the new sprite.x to 50

    ondestroy has no logical context for construct objects that I can think of in events. other than an idiosyncratic bug that allows you to access object information after it's destruction for the remainder of the tick, you can't really do anything to a destroyed object, so anything you want to do after destroying an object, just put the action after the destroyobject action

    edit : and welcome to scirra!

  • Nice i can't wait to test this

    By the way what is Terraria, is that a new game you have made?

    looks like a 2d minecraft type thing

  • for those that don't know. A Game of Thrones is an awesome new(5 episodes in) high fantasy series on HBO based on the books of the same name. 9.4 on imdb with over 9,000 votes. Acting, directing, script, costumes, sets, effects, music, and sound are all feature film quality. The books and author (george r r martin) are highly regarded among fans of the genre.

  • ... y-21-2011/

    phew, that was a close one, but we made it through. good thing, too. I really wanted to finish my project before the end of time

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm not sure why you say that newt. every newcomer asks basic questions when they first get here, and I haven't found his to be more noobish than average.

    , what version of windows are you running?

  • what behaviors does it have

    what type of input are you using

  • the default directories where it exports are not into your main construct directory, from the actual sdk directory its:



    copy those to the construct\plugins\, and construct\plugins\runtime\ directory to find it in construct

    to change where it saves and the names of the files go to

    project-Template SDK properties: Configuration properties - linker,

    and then it's under 'output file'

    you'll have to do this for both the Release, and Runtime versions, that you select in the dropdown box of the properties dialogue

    also, for these plugin development questions, the appropriate forum is:

    construct engineering

    you'll probably get a quicker answer, too, since we don't get much action there

    also, not sure how relevant this is to your level of programming knowledge, but don't hesitate to ask very basic questions. a couple of us (myself included) basically learned to program c++ using the plugin sdk

  • 56k

    re you really on 56k?

    also, although this is cool to look at and the detail is incredible. I was disappointed when i read the about description. I was thinking it was some revolutionary new lens technology on some experimental $100,000 camera. it's a robot arm that takes a bunch of pictures that were spliced together later. I think they did a great job, and it's an accomplishment in itself given all the factors they dealt with, but still not as exciting

  • some of this might seem obvious, but it wasn't to me at first so ill share it anyhow.

    In workflowy, hitting tab will indent your current item to a subitem of the previous, it works regardless of the cursor position. Shift tab unindents. In mobile browsers there are >>'s to indent and unindent. Backspacing the bullet point erases the item. And enter of course completes the item and starts a new one at the same level of indentation. I believe this was covered in the intro video, but the crosshair on the right side is used to drag and drop events. if there is a way to do this in mobile browsers, I haven't figured it out yet

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