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  • I suppose if the editor is better than mine for the features it shares, then I could port my code over and build off of their editor if it's a liberal enough license. Could end up being a good thing.

    still though....damn them all to hell!!! j/k rayman origins does look damn lovely

  • you really don't need all that complexity, here's a simple example

    if you don't recognize 'clamp' and 'lerp', don't get intimidated, just ask, it's pretty straightforward

    you can safely ignore everything in start of layout and that loop, that's just to get a bunch of multicolored whatsits all over the place

    just the always event matters for the blackhole

    and the blackhole is drag and drop btw

  • [/img]

  • you post images with the img tags like

    your url here

  • shared in chat, but in case anyone else needs, also, c7, you were afk, when I found the final solution, so here ya go:

    (replace 1024 with the resolution you used to design and test your level)

    left and right click to change resolutions

  • thanks tom

  • my secret path to editting my signature has been paved over, anyone know an alternate route?

  • bad news for me and my engine. hopefully, the other features not included in ubi-art are enough to be noteworthy on their own, which I personally believe they are. but, couldn't have come at a worse time. oh well, that much more motivation to hurry. not so much cuz I want to sell the engine, but because I'd like my game to look as unique as possible when it releases. damn you ubisoft, don't you know I have a dayjob to quit?

  • Are you using any behaviors? If so there may be another solution that works more elegantly with your behavior, but this would work

    Stuff ->move object toward position blackhole.x, blackhole.y, at whatever speed

    Depending on whether you want an an event horizon where you have a minimum range, or infinitely decrease the pull the further you get, or constant pull all require slightly different formulas for the speed you choose

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  • I always pronounced it skeruh

  • Wow. Welcome.   If you're serious. Aside from what you mentioned. The number 1 problem is IDE instability.   Usually seems to crash when you're attempting to select events, and accidentally select more than one(which is a problem in itself), and then accidentally edit an expression or collapse an event. In situations like that it crashes often.

    The biggest new feature everyone has wanted I would say is network play. If you added some type of flexible networking plugin. Everyone would love you forever

  • both are interesting...

    and I love math.

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