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  • > I really do need to add serialization support to the plugin, but if the performance is pretty decent for folks I think I am just going to release it as an Alpha and take a well deserved break. :-)

    I won't allow you a break until a decent beta is out <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Totally on the opposite side for me. I never do anything that requires serialization, so it'd be useful without it for me. If there are certain values that need to be saved temporarily for some reason, as long as they're accssible through expressions....alls good...of'll be a while before I get to the point where I need this anyway

  • just wanted to run a few ideas by you arsonide. first, as I said in the pm, it doesn't have to be perlin noise, it'll work with any set of numbers you can refer to by position, even an array as newt suggested.

    so if you were planning to use gridtree, and tunnel into greater detail there's no reason this can't be adapted to that. When I have a little time, if you need me to, I can try to put this into function object form, cuz it's kindof a pain fiddling around in that formula, and also what you said about how distorted the texture gets in the distortion

    but anyway. what you said about the mask might not work, because the texture would have to wrap in a circle. depending on how urgent this is, cuz I'm really busy lately, but I can help you get a workable method to reliably wrap a tileable texture around the planet in a smooth looking way. I've been working alot with distorting textures around curves and into different shapes lately.   which brings me to my other idea, if you wanted, it could even be made to look like the planet surface was becoming more spherical as it became more circular, so your texture would actually bulge forward and make it look like a 3d planet, and flatten to a more 2d look as it unrolled into the sidescroller view.

    anyway, gotta get to work. see ya, glad you liked it!!! It was an interesting challenge.

  • neat, haven't played with this at all, but it sounds awesome.

    thanks for making it, opens up alot of possibilities

    if you get bored of the project, please consider opensourcing it, this is so long overdue,

  • k, not familiar with the sound of any of those games, but thanks tom!

  • is there a way we can find out which company they are, or which games they may have worked on, because that would really affect the types of questions I'd ask

  • Not sure. Try run layout instead. One possibility is I've been messing around with my personal copy of sprite plugin and its no longer compatible with the normal one

    I guess let's see if it happens to anyone else.... the exe runs ok?

  • here ya go arsonide. the solution was actually a little more involved than I thought when I first replied

    here?s an exe of an unwrapping planet,

    control the unwrapping of the planet by moving the mouse from left to right

    rotation of the planet that translates to scrolling as it unwraps is possible as well, though it might make more sense to rotate the camera

    this cap requires s, but only for two expressions xoffrot, and yoffrot, and using them is no different than any system expression

    time to get ready for work, but if you want me to break down the math later, let me know

  • quazi's not around often these days luis, but if you're interested in the IK part of it, with the realtime bone movement for the arms - linkmans's IK plugin, and my 's' plugin both have actions to do this automatically. if you still want the cap so you can understand how it works, quazi made a tutorial on how to do IK that should be in the tutorials list thread in the tutorials forum

  • don't have time to test this at the moment, but I would say you have to use pRuntime->GetTypes(...) and then pRuntime->GetTypeInstances(...) for each of the types you get

    then loop through the instances and check instance->info.layer, or pRuntime->GetObjectLayer(...)

    against the desired layer and put each matching object in a vector or list

  • Furry bondage. If you don't want it to be spoken about, don't share it ^^

    all in good fun. and it's not bondage, it's more like a serial killer visitation thing. <font size="1">(it's also not really furry. she's not anthropomorphized into a biped. she's just held in that position by the straightjacket and restraints)</font>

    also, curious. anyone call it con'struct instead of construct',

    as in the noun instead of the verb?   ? I kinda wanted to, but it just didn't roll off the tongue very well.

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  • >

    > > I can't have my waffles without that skyrup


    > I find it disturbing that I am slightly aroused by your avatar.


    > ~Sol

    I was too shy to say so but I'm happy to see I'm not the only one.

    seriously guys. stop

    she's mine, and I don't feel comfortable with you guys discussing her like this

  • > I can't have my waffles without that skyrup

    I find it disturbing that I am slightly aroused by your avatar.

    That is all.


    The sig not doin' it for you?

    and yes, I think Psychopinkiepie is a hottie

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