Ubiart to be free and opensource

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From the Asset Store
Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • If everything ends as expected, It will be great!!!

    Let's just hope that no coding knowledge is necessary <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


  • bad news for me and my engine. hopefully, the other features not included in ubi-art are enough to be noteworthy on their own, which I personally believe they are. but, couldn't have come at a worse time. oh well, that much more motivation to hurry. not so much cuz I want to sell the engine, but because I'd like my game to look as unique as possible when it releases. damn you ubisoft, don't you know I have a dayjob to quit?

  • Chances are it will be code driven... so, can't beat em, join em.

  • I suppose if the editor is better than mine for the features it shares, then I could port my code over and build off of their editor if it's a liberal enough license. Could end up being a good thing.

    still though....damn them all to hell!!! j/k rayman origins does look damn lovely

  • I suppose if the editor is better than mine for the features it shares, then I could port my code over and build off of their editor if it's a liberal enough license. Could end up being a good thing.

    still though....damn them all to hell!!! j/k rayman origins does look damn lovely

    Dont' worry,

    From what I've seen of your work I'm sure your engine will be amazing. BTW, is it code or event based?

  • Thx pyteo. Its both.   Everything related to the engine is done in a (c++)plugin. But the editor is made in construct.

    once it's complete you'd just be using the editor exe to make animated characters

    And then load them into construct classic or construct 2,

    And use events like

    Engine.play animation "jump"

    and using behaviors on them if you wish, like a normal sprite object

  • I'm looking forward to both engines <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Likewise :D

    Lucid's will auto-win anyway since he will undoubtedly shower me with praise for "making him do it"... even though I only really made a passing comment that he took more seriously than I had anticipated. :D

    Plus, he's awesome.


  • I have succesfully extracted all the data from Child of Light (PC version)'s .ipk files, but I still have no idea how to open the extracted files? Do they need to be edited in this ubiart thing? Any news if it has been released for use yet? I don't care if it's open source, I just want to use the program itself.

  • I have succesfully extracted all the data from Child of Light (PC version)'s .ipk files, but I still have no idea how to open the extracted files? Do they need to be edited in this ubiart thing? Any news if it has been released for use yet? I don't care if it's open source, I just want to use the program itself.

    You can't use ubiart by trying to edit extracted files from a game made with ubiart, the best you could do is mod the game. Since the announcement years ago ubisoft has shown no desire to release their framework as open source as they originally claimed.

  • > I have succesfully extracted all the data from Child of Light (PC version)'s .ipk files, but I still have no idea how to open the extracted files? Do they need to be edited in this ubiart thing? Any news if it has been released for use yet? I don't care if it's open source, I just want to use the program itself.


    You can't use ubiart by trying to edit extracted files from a game made with ubiart, the best you could do is mod the game. Since the announcement years ago ubisoft has shown no desire to release their framework as open source as they originally claimed.

    Any idea how I could open these files though? I don't really want to use ubiart to make a game with or anything, truth be told. I just want to rip some animations and stuff, to use in construct. All these files I got have two file extentions in a row. The former one varies for different files, but the second one is always ".ckd". That type of file supposedly opens in "Keycreator", but said program says the files are invalid. Someone on a Rayman forum said that in one of the rayman games, texture files, at least, could be renamed from ".tga.ckd" to ".tga.dds" and that doing so would allow you to edit them in "Paint.net". However when I tried this with the textures in Child of Light, Paint.net also said they were invalid. Do you know anything at all? It's okay if you don't. But I really want some Aurora.

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  • Any idea how I could open these files though?

    No clue. This forum isn't really the right place to ask.

  • Has anyone created anything other than "arcade games" in construct2? There are tons of opensource games that may use the construct2 as a front-end...

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