Voir un historique complet de tous les changements dans Construct 3 depuis la première parution.
For consistency with C3 terminology, deprecated the OriginalWindowWidth and OriginalWindowHeight expressions, and replaced them with OriginalViewportWidth and OriginalViewportHeight
Make "stretch" the default option when resizing images
Download tilemaps to a single ZIP file containing the TMX and corresponding image files
Deprecated old IAP plugin
Moved debug button from main toolbar to the preview button dropdown
Pasted selections in the image editor now show up in the center of the viewable area instead of the top corner of the image
The old 'Warp' and 'Warp mask' effects are deprecated in favour of the new revised effects.
Platform behavior: 'Is by wall' is now true if the player has an obstacle directly above them
Select the correct image point when changing animation frames in the image editor
Cordova export: can now select the build service on the export options dialog, removing the need for the "build apps" button
Updated Dark theme to latest version, improving design in several places and fixing some issues
Updated minifier used for exporting projects to the latest version
Updated a number of icons
Adjustment to improve icon quality on devices with non-integral device pixel ratios
Preview now runs on preview.construct.net
Parameters dialog: autocomplete is now better at completing half way through a name
Improve scaling algorithm used in the Image Editor to mitigate blurring
Re-enabled the HTML imports polyfill. Hopefully it works this time!
Parameters dialog: adding a function parameter now focuses the newly added parameter
Adjustments to improve reliability of "back" button handling
Save complete now shows a notification message instead of a status message
Opening a file from the cloud is now blocking
Uploading a file to the cloud now shows a progress value
For future-proofing against Chrome changes, C3 now uses a HTML imports polyfill by default.
Parameters dialog: adding a function parameter now focuses the newly added parameter
Adjustments to improve reliability of "back" button handling
Save complete now shows a notification message instead of a status message
Opening a file from the cloud is now blocking
Uploading a file to the cloud now shows a progress value
Inactive tabs are now darker to better emphasise the active tab
Slight improvements to the image editor's color picker
Safety checks on saving will now allow saving a project locally while it's also uploading a save to a cloud service
Cordova exporter: now has separate Android and iOS export options. This ensures only platform-specific dependencies are included.
Parameters dialog: autocomplete list now sizes width to content instead of scrolling horizontally
Event Sheet View: event includes can no longer be drag-dropped/cut-pasted in to sub-events
Recent projects now has the icon for the service next to each project (Google Drive etc.)
Attempting to exit while saving to cloud now will now prompt to confirm you want to leave
Pressing local preview when a remote preview is running now updates the remote preview and shows a notification rather than switching to local preview
Cloud save can now upload in the background
Event Sheet View: when searching for a condition/action, the default selected item is now the first result that includes the term in the item name itself